Hi Imad

On 6/4/19 4:12 PM, Imad Aldoj wrote:
So my interview is almost ready, but the truth is I never saw an
interview getting publish "in action" and just wanna make sure I'm on
the right track. to my understanding the general process goes like:
1.FInd a candidate
Yeah, that process works fine.
- Do I've to post the interview here [on market...@opensuse.org] for
feedback or just let you guys know?
You can send the draft to n...@opensuse.org. This allows for a review by those who might comment (mostly me) and helps so that there aren't two articles published on one day.
- if feedback/review is required, how much time before I can proceed in
case no one showed any interest?
Some people might comment after you send the draft, but mostly give about a 24 hour period before publishing. From our email exchange, I would say the article is good for you to publish it. You could send it to the news mailing list if you want and see if anyone else replies, but I think it is good to go. I plan to published Tumbleweed snapshot review tomorrow, so maybe publish it either today or Friday.
- when to use n...@opensuse.org? or just stick to marketing and that's
all I need?
Stick with the news email list. Marketing is for general discussion and marketing focuses.
- How the decision inside the team is made? just as an example last
time I suggested changing the name of the project and feedback was
positive, what next?
I would say you went about it in the correct way. You sought the feedback from those involved and from the community and there appears to be an agreement, so just go forward. Could probably update the wiki to reflect the new name - https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:People_of_openSUSE
- Anything else to be aware of? (about how to operate in the team)
Just the processes listed above. If you have any idea for an article other than this, certainly bring it up on the marketing mailing list.
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