Hi all,

For an European event, I must say that it went quite well.

We had tables set in a U form, projector and myself, Christophe and
Olivier as "lecturers" and interactive sort of thing so that people do
not fall asleep.

I had some slides Matrix from SUSE and customized in French.

SLE 12 is nearer to MS Windows and KDE on Leap 42.1 were mainly used.
Having not been capable/lucky of showing openSUSE on Raspberry, we did
some demo ssh from Leap to RPI. Installed Dataplicity from ssh running
on Leap. Installed lynx was fun as well.

Questions were on software compatibility, dual booting (I demoed
quadri boot, win7, W8, W10 and Leap), downloading openSUSE (where and
howto). What I found interesting that people travelled from many parts
of Normandy to visit and also tha fact that some were taking notes.

This time, we did not indulge in small/private insets, but only in
lecturing and demo, again and again. 4 sessions in all. The biggest
one was 31 at 14:18 for an hour or so.

Having just a few stickers left and some brochures in French were the
only give aways on hand.

French hospitality came to our rescue, we opened an account with the
coffee shop some 50 metres away and at the end of the day counted 84
coffees/teas/cokes and 67 cakes. We had some biscuits and some members
brought home made mug cakes etc.

We were very tired at the end of the day that we just went back home,
did not settel for a beer or anything!

This week we are having on Friday the Yearly party of the Centre where
all associations come and show what they do and our Montlhy Software
freedom Day on Saturday 28.

So help us God!

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