Hmm, I haven't seen that one before.

I don't have a CentOS server here to test with, but off the top of my head I'd say it would seem that the manager process is having difficulty connecting to the scanner. I'd check if the scanner is running and the manager is configured to connect to it's port (and no firewall is blocking it). Sorry I couldn't give you any more specific help. Maybe someone else on the list with more experience with the CentOS packages and startup script configurations can help you further.

On 3/4/2014 8:55 PM, Peter Collins wrote:
Thank you Ryan. Here are the outputs of what you requested:

less openvasad.log
lib auth: INFO:2014-03-02 20h00.23 PST:8338: Authentication configuration not found. lib auth: INFO:2014-03-02 20h27.59 PST:1491: Authentication configuration not found. lib auth: INFO:2014-03-02 20h34.09 PST:1528: Authentication configuration not found. lib auth: INFO:2014-03-02 20h50.26 PST:1469: Authentication configuration not found. lib auth: INFO:2014-03-04 18h40.47 PST:1468: Authentication configuration not found.

tail *vasmd.log
lib serv:WARNING:2014-03-05 02h48.27 utc:2145: openvas_server_connect: failed to connect to server (interrupted): Connection refused event auth:MESSAGE:2014-03-05 02h48.27 utc:2145: Authentication success for user pcollins (9595afc7-3a24-4b97-9320-db2ac2510e66) lib serv:WARNING:2014-03-05 02h48.27 UTC:2145: Failed to gnutls_bye: Error in the push function. lib serv:WARNING:2014-03-05 02h48.32 utc:2150: openvas_server_connect: failed to connect to server (interrupted): Connection refused event auth:MESSAGE:2014-03-05 02h48.32 utc:2150: Authentication success for user pcollins (9595afc7-3a24-4b97-9320-db2ac2510e66) event task:MESSAGE:2014-03-05 02h48.32 UTC:2150: Task fe1af5f6-c589-4a64-b9b2-1ade94d11234 could not be started by pcollins lib serv:WARNING:2014-03-05 02h48.32 UTC:2150: Failed to gnutls_bye: Error in the push function. lib serv:WARNING:2014-03-05 02h48.32 utc:2151: openvas_server_connect: failed to connect to server (interrupted): Connection refused event auth:MESSAGE:2014-03-05 02h48.32 utc:2151: Authentication success for user pcollins (9595afc7-3a24-4b97-9320-db2ac2510e66) lib serv:WARNING:2014-03-05 02h48.32 UTC:2151: Failed to gnutls_bye: Error in the push function.

tail *vassd.log
[Mon Mar  3 04:00:24 2014][8377] openvassd 3.4.0 started
[Mon Mar  3 04:16:05 2014][9436] Communication closed by client
[Mon Mar  3 04:27:02 2014][8377] received the TERM signal

omp --username=foo --password=bar --get-tasks
Failed to authenticate.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Ryan Schulze < <>> wrote:

    Is there anything useful in the GSA or OpenVAS Manager Logs?
    To determine if the problem is with GSA or the manager: does the
    cli work (something like "omp --username=foo --password=bar

    On 3/4/2014 10:05 AM, Peter Collins wrote:
    I installed CentOS fresh, and immediately used Atomic to install
    OpenVAS with yum. Everything went perfectly. But when I go into
    Greenbone and attempt a simple scan, I get:

    Operation:  Start Task
    Status code:        503
    Status message:     Service temporarily down

    And if I refresh that page I get a new error page saying

    Internal error: request_handler:2869
    (GSA 4.0.2)
    An internal error occured inside GSA daemon. Diagnostics:Token
    missing or bad.
    Your options (not all may work):
    'Back' button of browser | Login

    I tried the options and they don't work.

    Any ideas please?



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