The OpenVPN community project team is proud to release OpenVPN 2.6_beta2.
This is the second Beta release for the feature release 2.6.0.

Changes since Beta 1:

* Transport statistics (bytes in/out) for DCO environments.
  Currently only for Windows clients and FreeBSD servers.
  Other platforms will be fixed in next release.
* Various bugfixes, see

Windows MSI changes since Beta 1:

* Included openvpn-gui updated to See
* Update included pkcs11-helper so it can load pkcs11 providers from outside of 
its own install directory.
* Add legacy provider for included OpenSSL so that the workarounds documented 
for old ciphers work on Windows.

Some highlights of 2.6.0 are:

* Data Channel Offload (DCO) kernel acceleration support for Windows, Linux, 
and FreeBSD.
* OpenSSL 3 support.
* Improved handling of tunnel MTU, including support for pushable MTU.
* Reworked TLS handshake, making OpenVPN immune to replay-packet state 
exhaustion attacks.
* Added --peer-fingerprint mode for a more simplistic certificate setup and 
* Improved protocol negotiation, leading to faster connection setup.

More details can be found in the Changes document:


(The Changes document also contains a section with work-arounds for
common problems encountered when using OpenVPN with OpenSSL 3)

Source code and Windows installers can be downloaded from our download page:


(The Windows installers use OpenSSL 3 now)

Debian and Ubuntu packages are available in the official apt repositories:


(Note that as a Beta release, packages are only available in testing
and release/2.6 repositories, not in stable)

On Red Hat derivatives we recommend using the Fedora Copr repository.


Kind regards,
  Frank Lichtenheld

Openvpn-devel mailing list

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