
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Thu 13th August 2020
Time: 20:00 CEST (18:00 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as



cron2, dazo, mattock and wiscii participated in this meeting.


Talked about OpenVPN 2.5-beta1.

Mattock is inching the release forward. Debian and Ubuntu packages have
already been built and they're in the apt repos.

Agreed that the pkcs11-helper Fedora patch should go in into the Windows


Mattock will make a static copy of it (to avoid refactoring openvpn-build).

Tentative OpenVPN 2.5-beta1 release time (for tarballs and Windows
installers) is tomorrow (Friday) around lunch time.


Noted that we now have Ubuntu 20.04 packages of OpenVPN 2.5-beta1
available. Also noted that we will no longer provide OpenVPN packages
for Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian 8 due to OpenSSL incompatibility. The former
is EOL and the latter does not have mainstream support anymore.


Talked about buildslaves. Noted that the Ubuntu 14.04 buildslave was
taken out (EOL). Also agreed that we can drop the CentOS 6 buildslave as
its EOL is only a few months away and supporting it in Buildbot would be
quite hard for a number of reasons.

Agreed that we should (soon) start building three branches in Buildbot:

- release/2.4 (present already)
- release/2.5 (not present yet)
- master (present already)

Agreed to drop "release/2.4" builds once 2.4 is "unsupported", which is
about 18 months from the time of 2.5.0 release. If there are major
issues in keeping "release/2.4" builds going then we can reconsider that


Full chatlog attached
(21:00:22) cron2: yay, meeting
(21:02:30) mattock: hello!
(21:04:26) wiscii [~tct@unaffiliated/slypknot] è entrato nella stanza.
(21:05:56) mattock: anyone else?
(21:06:03) dazo: hey!
(21:06:06) cron2: ho!
(21:06:27) mattock: hi!
(21:06:42) wiscii: hi
(21:07:41) mattock: let me give a quick update on 2.5-beta1 release status
(21:07:49) mattock: so, I'm inching the release forward
(21:07:49) cron2: wohoo, 2.5!
(21:08:23) mattock: "inching" because $child is home because she has had 
running nose since last Thursday -> no kindergarten -> childcare shifts -> ~3 
hours of effective working time per day
(21:08:34) mattock: Debian / Ubuntu packages are done and in the repo
(21:08:47) mattock: Windows installers are work in progress
(21:08:55) mattock: but the process was tested earlier, so it "should work"
(21:09:03) mattock: meaning "release tomorrow before lunch" is reasonable
(21:11:01) dazo: I can spin up a new beta RPM/YUM/DNF repo tonight/tomorrow for 
beta releases
(21:11:42) mattock: oh, minor update: we also have Ubuntu 20.04 packages now 
which wiscii kindly tested
(21:12:04) wiscii: also works on 2010 groovy gorilla !
(21:13:02) cron2: sounds good
(21:13:36) mattock: \o/
(21:14:26) mattock: one related note
(21:14:38) mattock: I dropped Debian 8 and Ubuntu 14.04 packages (OpenSSL 
(21:15:00) cron2: is debian 8 still supported?
(21:15:09) mattock: to some degree possibly
(21:15:39) mattock: but if the target machine does not have openssl 1.0.2 
(unlikely) then having an openvpn package for would possibly be pointless
(21:15:41) cron2: The Debian Long Term Support (LTS) Team hereby announces that 
Debian 8 jessie support has reached its end-of-life on June 30, 2020, five 
years after its initial release on April 26, 2015.
(21:15:42) mattock: we're at debian 10 now
(21:15:52) wiscii: my deb8 VM won't work right under vbox so i hoofed it out
(21:16:04) wiscii: yep deb10 is good
(21:17:03) dazo: Debian 8 is in extended LTS .... which is a commercial 
offering only
(21:17:06) dazo: https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Extended
(21:17:07) vpnHelper: Title: LTS/Extended - Debian Wiki (at wiki.debian.org)
(21:17:30) mattock: yep I saw something along those lines
(21:17:45) dazo: I'd say we can drop Debian 8 ... The standard EOL was reached 
in June
(21:17:53) mattock: +1
(21:18:11) mattock: and people who really need openvpn on debian 8 can still 
compile it
(21:18:20) mattock: it should not be too horrible to do
(21:18:24) mattock: though I could be wrong :)
(21:19:05) dazo: Ubuntu 16.04 is supported, until April next year; I'd say that 
can be on 2.4 ... 14.04 is EOL
(21:19:41) dazo: For RHEL, we have put EL-6 on the 2.4 only; 2.5 will be for 
EL-7 and EL-8
(21:20:01) dazo: (EL-6 goes EOL in November this year)
(21:21:05) dazo: mattock: well, for Debian 8 ... it might be challenging if the 
openssl library is too old
(21:21:26) mattock: if it is anything like ubuntu 14.04 then I agree :D
(21:21:28) mattock: such a pita
(21:21:45) mattock: while we're discussing support
(21:21:51) cron2: 2.4 is not a bad release - still maintained, and secure.
(21:21:54) mattock: what about CentOS 6 + buildslave
(21:22:33) cron2: for 2.5, it seems to be non-useful
(21:22:38) mattock: yep
(21:23:10) dazo: yeah, I'd say we can wind CentOS 6 down with 2.5 released
(21:23:16) cron2: dazo: are there 1.1.1 openssl packages in some "experimental 
(21:23:16) mattock: the problem with it is:
(21:23:16) mattock: - getting openssl 1.0.2 or 1.1.1 to compile is PITA
(21:23:16) mattock: - getting buildbot to just build 2.4 on it is a PITA
(21:23:27) dazo: cron2: nope, not afaik
(21:24:12) dazo: mattock: If we need to tackle CentOS-6 builds for 2.4, I have 
the fedora build infrastructure up and running
(21:24:42) dazo: but it won't be automated with buildbot or so ... but for 
security/bug releases in 2.4, I can make sure we have what's needed
(21:25:41) mattock: our buildbot config is full of exceptions so I'd like to 
limit new exceptions to the ones we absolutely must have
(21:25:48) dazo: I mean, EL-6 is only relevant for the next 3 months, it goes 
EOL at that point
(21:25:56) mattock: so
(21:26:02) dazo: drop it :)
(21:26:13) mattock: I sure can :)
(21:26:31) mattock: that saves me several hours of work
(21:26:38) dazo: good :)
(21:26:39) mattock: plus lots of pain 
(21:26:40) mattock: :P
(21:27:26) mattock: ok, so what about building 2.4/2.5/master in buildbot?
(21:27:55) mattock: 2.5 and master, yes
(21:27:58) dazo: How is the setup in regards to the release/2.? branches?
(21:28:11) dazo: do we have anything for release/2.3 ?
(21:28:14) mattock: we build release/2.4 and master now
(21:28:17) mattock: no, we don't
(21:28:29) mattock: we used to just build the "master", then we (I) added 
"release/2.4" to the mix
(21:28:47) mattock: it is trivial to add new branches to monitor
(21:28:48) dazo: ahh, okay ... lets keep what works, and that's it
(21:29:56) dazo: so adding release/2.5 ... and then we're good to go, basically?
(21:30:04) mattock: yeah
(21:30:12) mattock: then we just decide when to drop release/2.4 from buildbot
(21:30:16) plai_webclient [59f77...@i59f77e38.versanet.de] è entrato nella 
(21:30:22) wiscii: (FYI: openssl on debian 8 is too old to build master and 
there is no replacement unless you try it yourself)
(21:30:36) mattock: "when it starts creating issues" or "6 months after 2.5.0" 
or so
(21:30:38) wiscii: build it yourself*
(21:30:45) dazo: yeah, I'd say we drop it when we consider it unsupported ... 
according to https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/SupportedVersions
(21:33:17) mattock: I'm fine with that as long as "release/2.4" building does 
not become too problematic for whatever reason :)
(21:33:25) dazo: agreed
(21:33:43) dazo: but we should have it as long as we have it labelled as 
supported too
(21:34:06) dazo: so when 2.4 goes unsupported, we don't need to worry about 
(21:34:14) mattock: +1
(21:34:38) dazo: which effectively means minimum 18 months after 2.5.0 is 
(21:35:38) dazo: (oh, I see it could be interpreted as minimum 12 months ... 
well, that's a different discussion)
(21:35:40) mattock: does not sound too bad, 18 months goes fast
(21:35:47) dazo: agreed
(21:36:26) mattock: shall we move on to "what is our stance on null/no 
(21:36:35) dazo: sure
(21:36:49) cron2: without syzzer and plaisthos this is a bit hard to find "our" 
(21:37:12) cron2: the question about "what new buildbots do we need/want" is 
also open :)
(21:37:40) mattock: yep that one
(21:38:06) cron2: I'll see that I can add a FreeBSD 12 buildslave - which is 
"just doing".  The client-side of the t_server tests is run off a fbsd12 box 
anyway, so no surprises expected
(21:38:07) mattock: Ubuntu 20.04 for sure
(21:38:08) dazo: true ... I see that it is not a good thing from a security 
point of view .... but from a debug/testing point of view it can make things 
simpler when inspecting packets on the wire ... so it's kinda a question how 
far down we want to go on the "debug tool" road for openvpn
(21:38:23) mattock: CentOS 8 (we don't have one I believe)
(21:39:21) dazo: mattock: what kind of "slave backends" does buildbot support?  
... can it do more than just buildbot slaves?
(21:39:38) dazo: (like Jenkins have possibility to use EC2)
(21:39:58) mattock: are you speaking of slaves that are created on-demand?
(21:40:06) dazo: yeah
(21:40:15) mattock: there is "latent buildslave" support
(21:40:20) cron2: I think we need to postpone the cipher null discussion :-/  
(I am not overly focused as $kid is demanding attention, and syzzer and 
plaisthos are missing)
(21:40:24) dazo: or ... other types of infrastructure, like Fedora Koji/Copr 
... etc
(21:40:24) mattock: but in any case I'd upgrade the buildmaster first
(21:41:05) mattock: and check what is available out of the box
(21:41:22) mattock: that said, what is not present out of the box can be still 
implemented - buildbot config is just Python code
(21:41:29) mattock: there is not "server configuration" like in Jenkins
(21:41:50) dazo: before upgrading buildmaster ... perhaps also look at other 
alternatives too, which gives more automation and less maintenance but the same 
kind of "output" we're looking for
(21:42:30) mattock: hmm, yeah, as long as the alternative is not Jenkins lol :)
(21:42:48) dazo: well, it's nice that buildbot is extensible .... but somebody 
then has to develop it and maintain it ... so if the same features exists 
elsewhere already, why reinvent the wheel?
(21:42:56) mattock: I mean, I do like the fact that with Buildbot you just have 
a Python file you manage and you have all the power of Python to make it to 
your liking
(21:43:23) mattock: I'm not sure what features we want so I don't know if we 
need to reinvent any wheels
(21:43:30) mattock: practical examples would help figure that out
(21:43:52) dazo: yeah, I can understand that ... at the same time, we're quite 
happy with Jenkins in Core team for the OpenVPN 3 projects ... as long as 
nobody messes with the server setup :-P
(21:44:22) mattock: I bet the Jenkins setup does not have as many exceptions as 
our buildbot setup
(21:44:23) mattock: :P
(21:44:49) dazo: yeah ... which sounds like we're adding more pain than we 
should ;-)
(21:44:50) mattock: anyways, there are a gazillion of CI systems available
(21:44:54) dazo: it is
(21:45:06) dazo: so, soon after 2.5, perhaps do an evaluation there?
(21:45:25) mattock: much of the complexity arises for the wide range of 
operating systems we build on
(21:45:56) mattock: also every "policy" we set ("build branch <n> only on 
platforms <x>, <y> and <z>") increases complexity
(21:46:20) dazo: yupp
(21:46:39) mattock: the maintenance effort of buildbot configs (which is not 
too bad)  is directly related to the complexity of our choices/needs
(21:47:44) mattock: so we should definitely check if we can cut down some of it
(21:48:19) cron2: as a buildslave operator, buildbot is really painless - once 
set up, it mostly runs for itself and needs no tending
(21:48:23) mattock: but in my opinion, buildbot is quite low maintanance - 
definitely less maintenance than Jenkins (which I've unfortunately also had to 
maintain to some degree)
(21:48:45) mattock: Jenkins may look quite nice for somebody using it, for an 
admin it is one of the worst software ever built
(21:49:32) dazo: fair enough ... I've only seen the develop-side from both of 
them ... and from that perspective, I do prefer Jenkins nowadays :)
(21:49:37) mattock: we've never restored any EC2 instances using our snapshot 
backup software, except Jenkins
(21:50:00) mattock: it has a tendency to explode from under you
(21:50:04) mattock: anyways
(21:50:21) mattock: did we cover all the buildbot topics?
(21:50:55) plai_webclient ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Remote host closed 
the connection).
(21:50:56) cron2: yeah
(21:52:34) mattock: but in general, Buildbot is a framework for building your 
own CI system, so it has less out of the box support for fancy stuff (which 
Jenkins has)
(21:53:46) mattock: you may have to do a bit more work yourself with Buildbot - 
depending on what you're trying to achieve - but on the other hand it is fully 
in your control (being just Python code)
(21:54:05) mattock: now, any other extra topics? 6 minutes left?
(21:54:07) cron2: what language is Jenkins in?
(21:54:12) mattock: Java
(21:54:26) mattock: unfortunately the "enterprise grade" kind of Java
(21:54:50) mattock: there are rather horrible omissions all over the place 
(again, primarily from admin perspective)
(21:55:05) mattock: automating (as in: infrastructure as code) is next to 
(21:55:38) mattock: unfortunately _not_ the enterprise grade java I meant to say
(21:55:44) cron2: anything in a reasonable language (aka "perl")? :-)
(21:56:12) mattock: I'm sure there is a PerlCI
(21:56:13) mattock: :)
(21:56:18) cron2: well, in network land, "carrier grade" is a synonym for 
"what, that bad?" :-) - so "enterprise grade" could mean anything...
(21:56:20) mattock: I mean, we could review our options
(21:56:26) mattock: I know
(21:56:30) mattock: carrier grade also
(21:56:44) cron2: I'm not particularily keen on re-doing my slave zoo
(21:57:05) mattock: yeah, me neither, nor resolving the problems that have been 
solved already
(21:57:16) mattock: unless there is a really good reason for it
(21:57:45) mattock: the main weak point in buildbot is the (current) web 
(21:57:49) mattock: it is not very nice
(21:57:53) mattock: but we're running an old version
(21:58:06) mattock: dazo's complaints about the webui are legit
(21:58:14) cron2: let's upgrade this and see if the new version is shiny :)
(21:58:18) mattock: I agree
(21:58:30) mattock: I will also try to get krzee involved there
(21:58:33) mattock: so that it's not just me
(21:59:06) mattock: anyhow, are we ok for today?
(21:59:11) cron2: yeup
(21:59:18) cron2: I just closed a few patches in patchwork
(21:59:28) mattock: oh one more thing
(21:59:41) mattock: I cannot remember anymore what we decided to do about the 
pkcs11 fedora patch thing
(21:59:50) mattock: that could go to 2.5.0 or so
(21:59:59) mattock: or do we want it in 2.5-beta1
(22:00:00) mattock: or not at all
(22:00:10) cron2: I think we planned to include it, as it fixes a real bug.  Or 
(22:00:13) dazo: wasn't that a pkcs11-helper patch?  Not an openvpn patch?
(22:00:25) mattock: yeah, but it will go into the windows installers
(22:00:26) dazo: or you mean go into the windows builds?
(22:00:27) cron2: dazo: it is, so it is relevant for our windows installer
(22:00:28) dazo: ahh
(22:00:31) dazo: right
(22:00:50) mattock: there is still time to get it in to 2.5-beta1
(22:00:56) mattock: I have not really build the installers yet
(22:01:01) dazo: I'd say we should pull it in
(22:01:22) mattock: let me find the url...
(22:01:29) cron2: what installers will we get?  .msi only?
(22:01:51) dazo: There's quite some fedora users install pkcs11-helper for 
various reasons .... and some of them would have complained if it broke things
(22:01:56) mattock: https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-build/pull/172
(22:01:58) vpnHelper: Title: replace rfc7512 URI patch with latest version in 
Fedora by becm · Pull Request #172 · OpenVPN/openvpn-build · GitHub (at 
(22:02:38) mattock: "As a intermediate step (and to match the result of the 
2020-04-23 meeting) we could for now just replace the local copy with the 
pristine Fedora patch (git header included). "
(22:03:00) mattock: the patch being this: 
(22:03:06) mattock: nobody opposed that
(22:03:07) mattock: so
(22:03:18) mattock: I shall update the current patch with that one
(22:03:35) mattock: if it builds ok on Windows then it will go in
(22:04:10) dazo: makes sense
(22:04:28) mattock: I mean builds fine on mingw :)
(22:06:00) mattock: ok I'll write the summary

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