
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Wed 1st April 2020
Time: 11:30 CEST (9:30 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as



cron2, dazo, lev, mattock and plaisthos participated in this meeting.


Talked about issues in the current OpenVPN 2.x development model. It was
agreed that large patch series on the mailing list can be quite
problematic, in particular when review takes too much time and the
patches no longer apply cleanly to latest "master".

Nobody seemed to be opposed reviewing such large patchsets in an
external Git branch and, as the final step, rebasing the branch against
master and sending the emails to the mailing list for a formal ACK. This
way the ACK process would not be as likely to take too long to cause issues.

It was also noted that there is no technical substitute for spending
enough time on patch review, though we could always make use of more
automation for testing and merging.

Also noted that despite some disagreement on how to speed up our
development process the OpenVPN 2.5 release is moving forward nicely due
to the work put into it by the core developers.

Noticed that the Windows buildslave does not work for OpenVPN 2.4
builds. This should be fixed (by mattock).


Full chatlog attached
(12:25:33) cron2: hurr, no agenda page
(12:30:13) dazo: From last week: <mattock> the topic pages is not there, will 
need to create it soonish
(12:30:14) dazo: :-P
(12:30:27) dazo: soonish wasn't soon enough :-P
(12:30:58) dazo: mattock: do we still need CF to mangle the URLs?
(12:31:13) mattock: hello
(12:31:28) mattock: oh yes
(12:31:29) mattock: well
(12:31:48) mattock: I copy-and-paste a topic page during the meeting
(12:31:57) mattock: you guys start talking :P
(12:32:14) dazo: butbutbut we don't what to talk about! :-P
(12:32:22) dazo: don't *know
(12:32:23) mattock: we do, 2.5 :D
(12:32:39) cron2: plus "commit/review rules"
(12:32:49) dazo: :)
(12:34:27) dazo: so ... commit/review stuff?
(12:34:30) mattock: ok now you can start: 
(12:35:33) cron2: dazo: basically, a continuation of the discussion on the ML
(12:36:15) cron2: what are the rules that govern the mailing list / ACK / merge 
(12:36:28) cron2: (and how can we speed it up without compromising transparency)
(12:36:58) cron2: "we have a patch on the list", "i review a patch somewhere 
else, which might or might not the same patch", "ACK on the list", "merge of 
something else?" is certainly not the best approach
(12:37:05) dazo: Background: The challenge we currently have is that we do have 
a bit of stuff for review which exists in git repos (mostly by active core 
community devs) .... and the submit patchset to mailing list, watch it age and 
get behind master, rinse and repeat 1-2 times ... it gets a bit annoying when 
reviewing and committing acked patches
(12:37:49) cron2: I have no issue with you working in private to get a patch 
set into a good shape, then one dev sends it to the list, and we get an ACK 
from the colleague *on the patches on the list*
(12:37:54) cron2: this is perfectly fine
(12:38:14) cron2: but "sending the ACK for a patch which is not what was 
reviewed" is not
(12:38:34) dazo: Agreed ... and we should build on that
(12:39:00) cron2: (not only "perfectly fine" but for larger patch set maybe the 
only way to get the time delay and merge conflicts handled better)
(12:39:33) cron2: OTOH, this won't really help with lingering patch sets that 
cannot find an interested reviewer - if we do not post, we don't even *know* 
that review is needed...
(12:40:00) dazo: So I do suggest that we make more active use of the the 
merge-request git feature, which depends on stuff being pushed to a public git 
repo ... but a URL to the repo is added to a cover-mail generated by the git 
command line.
(12:40:22) dazo: Btw ... this is NOT for single patches
(12:40:31) dazo: this is useful for patch series
(12:40:37) cron2: Mmmh, not sure why this is an improvement
(12:41:04) cron2: if you are convinced that plaisthos' patch set is fine (for 
example), plaisthos can send-email, you can ACK on the list, I can merge
(12:41:34) cron2: full transparency, without having to rely on the continous 
existence of some other git repo which might go away
(12:41:46) dazo: My idea, which is not completely figured out yet, is to make 
more use of merge requests and that we do 'git merge' from external repos, 
while keeping the review history
(12:41:57) dazo: which will ease the review and commit process
(12:42:42) dazo: review process knows where to fetch stuff from a git repo, 
reviewer can document "I've reviewed these commit refs from this git repo" ... 
committer can fetch the git repo, verify the commit refs and merge
(12:43:34) dazo: In this case, we will use a git merge commit ... where the 
committer adds the proper mail-archive discussions (documentation of reviews 
and acks) ... and this is easily viewable within in the git histoy
(12:43:39) dazo: *history
(12:43:58) cron2: this does not really sound like "it would be less work for 
me", but let's spell this out in more detail
(12:46:08) dazo: In stead of the 'git ack-am' step X number of rounds on patch 
sets, you do a single 'git fetch $GITREPO', git log (I can provide a simple 
"git alias" which shows commit refs and subject on a single line per commit) to 
verify git hashes ... and the just do 'git merge -s $remote_branch' ... and done
(12:46:37) cron2: yes, and then I have 10+ patches merged in one go, one of 
them breaks building something... and then I go bisecting
(12:47:03) cron2: plus, I have the work of summarizing the mailing list 
discussion in the merge commit
(12:48:53) dazo: That's the thing ... if something breaks, you kick it back and 
say "this doesn't work" ... and the contributor must fix it, you shouldn't need 
wasting time on bisect and the why part
(12:48:56) dazo: I would typically create a new branch from latest master, 
merge remote branch into that, build test ... if it succeeds, git checkout 
master ; git rebase testbranch
(12:49:10) dazo: We can script that that summary
(12:49:47) lev_ [~l...@nat1.panoulu.net] è entrato nella stanza.
(12:49:54) cron2: right now, we have a patch granularity that says "each 
individual patch must be testable and not break anything".  This is important 
for future bisects, so it MUST be tested patch-by-patch.
(12:50:17) dazo: If the git merge is used with the proper arguments, it will 
point at the external repo/branch by default .... and we can copy paste the 
output of a script which has everything needed for the documentation
(12:50:23) cron2: and this is why we have patch series that have 5 ACKs and 1 
(12:50:40) cron2: I do not think this approach will bring benefits to the 
merging process
(12:51:04) dazo: And that's reasonable to test commit by commit.  But that is 
something our build infrastructure should do ... not us manually
(12:51:55) cron2: our build infrastructure is far away from full coverage of 
openvpn features.  If we had full coverage, and a build infra that would 
excercise this, in finite time, I'd agree
(12:52:06) dazo: for the git merge commit message ... I'm pretty sure that can 
be pre-generated by a script too, and just fed into the git merge command
(12:52:27) cron2: so if a patch set modifies "feature A" and this is not tested 
by existing t_client/t_server tests, breakage will not be noticed by the 
(12:52:54) cron2: but phrase it differently: *merge* effort is not our problem 
today.  "Timely review is".
(12:53:24) cron2: If you give me 20+ patch sets, all ACKed, every second day, I 
reconsider that statement :-)
(12:54:02) dazo: But "timely review" is also tricky when git master moves 
forward and patches fall behind.  And larger patch series do fall behind more 
often, because it needs to be rebased to be easily testable by reviewers
(12:54:40) cron2: do the review all you want on a separate git tree, then one 
developer submits, the reviewer ACKs on the list.
(12:55:21) mattock: so ML patches are "for the record" basically
(12:55:23) dazo: All right ... if you're fine with status quo ... I'm not going 
to push further
(12:56:38) cron2: dazo: I'm fine with status quo on that part.  So let's change 
the other part which I can fully see why you're all unhappy with.
(12:57:46) dazo: Currently, pulling patches from patchwork or mailing lists on 
larger patch sets are painful for review process, because it often lingers 
behind the target branch
(12:58:14) dazo: and it is painful for developers needing to regularly resend 
patches to ML, cluttering patchwork and ML, just to fall behind regularly
(12:58:34) cron2: 11:54 < cron2> do the review all you want on a separate git 
tree, then one developer submits, the reviewer ACKs on the list.
(12:59:02) cron2: if the mailing list post happens when the review is done, the 
ACK can be sent right afterwards, and no need for resending, fall behind, ...
(12:59:17) dazo: But how do we properly document that "I reviewed these commits 
from this remote branch, rebased on master but not currently on ML"?
(12:59:27) cron2: not at all
(12:59:36) dazo: and that's where it halts
(12:59:40) cron2: you meet up with plaisthos to do a development session
(12:59:49) cron2: you two agree that "what is in git tree X" is good
(12:59:52) cron2: plaisthos submits to the list
(12:59:58) cron2: dazo ACKs on the list
(13:00:01) cron2: cron2 merges from the list
(13:00:21) cron2: nobody needs or wants to know "I reviewed these commits in 
this secret repo"
(13:01:11) dazo: And that's the crux of it ... the git pull-request cover-mail 
unreveals "this secret repo" ... and by identifying "these commit refs from 
this repo was reviewed", then you have the proper documentation
(13:01:21) cron2: no
(13:01:30) cron2: it is irrelevant where this came from
(13:01:50) cron2: it is relevant that "this patch, which is in the open, and 
will stay there forever because publically archived" has an ACK
(13:02:33) dazo: But the patch from that pull-request cover-mail will also be 
there on the list already ... 
(13:02:54) dazo: it is just that the rebase against target branch was done in 
(13:04:35) cron2: I do not understand what you are trying to achieve.  The 
process I suggested solves the wish to do a review on a private branch 
beforehand, and we still get the public archive of the patch plus the public 
(13:04:44) cron2: Is the "I need to send mail for each patch" too much effort?
(13:06:55) dazo: When you have completed review, testing and everything is good 
... then getting the developer to resend all rebased patches and then send 
individual acks ... yes, that is a bit tedious - because if the reviewer then 
starts doing something else in between, git master moves forward again and 
patches does not apply ... yes, that is getting annoying
(13:07:59) cron2: if a developer cannot be bothered to run a "git send-email" 
after you tell him "yes, this is all good, please send it and I'll ACK it right 
away" - this sounds like a fixable human problem, no?
(13:08:19) cron2: of course this needs to be closely coordinated
(13:08:27) lev_ ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Ping timeout: 258 seconds).
(13:08:37) dazo: Yes ... and then you have sf.net mailing lists which sometimes 
takes hours to deliver mails
(13:08:37) cron2: but a merge request based on a large branch that is not 
rebased and might actually have conflicts on rebase isn't going to fix that 
(13:10:10) dazo: And that's the fine detail ... often 'git merge' will be able 
to sort out some of those trivial merge conflicts on-the-fly, as the source 
branch doesn't necessarily always need to be based on top of the latest target 
branch  (if there are massive changes, it will conflict of course, but trivial 
offsets are often resolved automaticall)
(13:10:34) cron2: and sometimes it will make mistakes and produce code that is 
(13:10:40) cron2: do we want to rely on that?
(13:11:23) dazo: master is a development branch ... not stable branch.  Yes, 
master will be broken from time to time
(13:11:34) dazo: it also has been broken from time to time
(13:12:24) cron2: we (at least I) have taken great care to ensure that commits, 
and each *individual* commit, do not break basic functionality and compilation 
across all platforms
(13:12:40) cron2: I've failed on the last part sometimes
(13:13:02) cron2: but I still think that this is the goal to strive for, not 
"just lump in things, and sort it out eventually when we think it's time to 
fork a stable branch"
(13:13:51) dazo: And this should not be needed to be done manually.  That 
should be automated.  Because that also takes away your valuable time as well
(13:13:56) lev_ [~l...@nat1.panoulu.net] è entrato nella stanza.
(13:14:29) cron2: dazo: you're welcome to improve our testing infrastructure... 
the work on that has been mostly done by mattock and me so far
(13:14:45) cron2: and it is not easy work
(13:15:31) cron2: but if you think that we can cover this all by testing, then 
let's just do away with the review/ACK thing, and let "core devs" just push to 
(13:15:57) plaisthos: sorry for missing the meeting :(
(13:16:13) mattock: you still have 14 minutes for chiming in :D
(13:16:19) cron2: plaisthos: hey :-) - you just arrived in time to chime in 
with a third opinion
(13:16:19) plaisthos: somehow the meeting is no longer in the calendar for core 
team at @openvpn
(13:18:27) plaisthos: I think patches on the mailinglist should be reviewed is 
the right thing
(13:18:47) plaisthos: but some of my patches linger too long on the mailing 
list, so they get out of date
(13:19:14) plaisthos: I do periodically rebase them in my own repo
(13:19:53) plaisthos: and if someone wants to really review that can also start 
from the private repo, then I can resend that version as patch mail to the 
mailing list
(13:19:57) dazo: First of all we need to see what the current buildbot does not 
do correctly, according to your standards, cron2 ... then we look at what 
buildbot can be learnt to do, to get closer to those goals.  And that will mean 
that before a git merge operation, we do a buildbot *before* the merge hits the 
target branch
(13:22:35) mattock: target branch being "master" or a feature branch?
(13:22:36) cron2: dazo: buildbot can just not cover all of our code base in 
finite time, because there's too many options and combinations of options.  We 
do add test cases when we notice regressions, but for "new code", there might 
not be a case that excercises the particular code paths affected
(13:23:11) dazo: "because there's too many options and combinations of options" 
.... I don't buy that argument.  Do you have the time and ability to test those 
combinations manually?
(13:23:32) plaisthos: no we don't really have that either
(13:23:46) cron2: if I see a patch affecting, say, "--show-tls-ciphers" then I 
will do a build with openssl 1.0, 1.1, mbedtls and see that the result matches 
- yes
(13:23:55) plaisthos: but with manually you are most times better at educated 
guesses and testing the right combinations for a specifi patch
(13:24:39) cron2: or with the IV_NCP patch - play with options on the client 
side, and see how the results on the server change.  This is not only "will it 
connect and ping" but also "will the negotiated cipher be what I expect to see?"
(13:24:53) dazo: that means that we should extend buildbot to test more openssl 
versions (and we kinda do that already, as we test a broader range of distros 
of different versions) ... and we do test mbedtls builds
(13:25:19) cron2: we do, but we do not test "does the output of 
--show-tls-ciphers look like we expect it to be?"
(13:25:27) cron2: (to give a somewhat trivial example)
(13:26:08) dazo: cron2 you are actually pulling QA tasks into the commit task 
... and that is just wrong.  QA normally happens afterwards
(13:26:50) cron2: QA happens between "developer says this is good" and 
"released to the public"
(13:26:58) cron2: and this right at review/ACK/merge time
(13:27:00) plaisthos: dazo: depends on your development model
(13:27:00) cron2: today
(13:29:13) dazo: Fair enough, that is development model related.  I still think 
it is better to ease the whole process from a patch set submission into 
actually hitting the git tree as fast as possible with as little efforts as 
possible while maintaining a reasonable review process.  And then a QA step 
takes care of ensuring we don't regress.  Whether that happens before target 
branch merge or after, is less important
(13:29:48) dazo: Which is why I'm trying to look at other ways we can do things
(13:29:51) cron2: I suggested a process that will help with the usual suspects 
(13:30:12) cron2: *without* endangering our existing (very high) standards
(13:30:29) dazo: == status quo
(13:30:55) cron2: status quo for the "merge, push to public repo" part, but 
improving on the "review of outdated patches on the ML" side
(13:32:43) plaisthos: I think the discussion is not going anyway
(13:32:50) plaisthos: we need to spend more time on openvpn2
(13:32:56) plaisthos: then things will improve
(13:33:33) plaisthos: chaging the way we do things to fix things is only trying 
to cure the symptons and not the problem of not enough time invested in openvpn2
(13:36:00) cron2: which would actually start with having more paid developers 
show up to the meeting :-(
(13:36:03) lev_ ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
(13:36:19) dazo: but when overall process feels a bit tedious and slow moving, 
it isn't also that motivating to start spending time on that compared to the 
boatload of other tasks which will be resolved much quicker.  I'm not saying 
openvpn2 is unimportant, it is just that submitting patches and getting them 
reviewed is more painful than it should be.
(13:37:02) plaisthos: dazo: openvpn3 would be the same if we weren't forcing 
ourselves to reviews
(13:39:15) dazo: true ... but also consider that there we have the 2 ACK rule 
.... in openvpn2 1 ACK is enough ... and I mostly do openvpn3 reviews using git 
command line there too.  Yes, it is also related to time spend on it.  But the 
overall process is smooth and easy.
(13:39:51) lev_ [~l...@nat1.panoulu.net] è entrato nella stanza.
(13:40:00) cron2: if each of the paid developers would actually *spend* half a 
day on reviews, we would be down to very few patches in our queue in a few weeks
(13:40:35) cron2: I've heard promises about time dedicated to openvpn2 again 
and again, but the outcome is not very consistent
(13:41:06) cron2: if nobody reviews, patches get stale, and then we get 
complaints that "reviewing stale patches is cumbersome" - yes
(13:41:14) dazo: perhaps that aligns with the review process being tedious?
(13:42:01) cron2: dazo: you're the boss.  If you say "you go review for 4 hours 
now", the tediousness of the process might make a difference on whether 1 or 5 
patches can be reviewed.  But "people do not spend time on reviews at all" is 
something you can directly influence.
(13:43:12) plaisthos: dazo: is that that tedious?
(13:44:29) plaisthos: you can download the patches/patchset from pathwork or 
just copy&paste the mail into git am
(13:44:36) dazo: To dig up patches on a mailing list, fetch them one-by-one, 
review and compile test ... when you do that 10 times in a single patch set and 
they don't apply because the target branch has moved forward ... yes, it is
(13:44:39) plaisthos: and then work with your local git tools
(13:44:40) cron2: there is a patchwork git module to apply a patchwork patch
(13:45:13) cron2: so the "download, apply" can be really helped by patchwork
(13:45:25) plaisthos: and for patchsets that come from other core openvpn 
developers there is often a copy of that patch in a private git
(13:45:42) dazo: but you still need to dig up which "patchwork patch ID" to 
pull down
(13:45:46) dazo: for each commit
(13:46:40) dazo: instead of just do:  git fetch $REMOTE ; git log / git show 
for the review ... git merge into a master branch copy and test ... and even 
run some scripts to test commit by commit builds
(13:47:44) dazo: I'm often spending more time *finding* and *fetching* single 
commits than reviewing many of commits
(13:48:03) cron2: patchwork overview page has the commit IDs
(13:48:16) dazo: which you need to dig up, one-by-one
(13:48:26) cron2: basically, there's two scenarios here
(13:48:32) cron2:  - large patch set from a core developer
(13:48:42) cron2: - random ML patch from a "non-regular" developer
(13:49:02) dazo: For single commits ... our current approach is fine .... for 
larger patch sets it gets tedious
(13:49:16) cron2: for the first patch set, I still do not understand why you 
can't do the proposed process, which is really what you want ("review in 
someone's git tree"), and then send-mail + ACK on the list
(13:49:38) dazo: I did that ... and you complained the patch didn't apply
(13:49:39) cron2: even if sf.net takes 4 hours, our development velocity is not 
so high that this will cause conflicts in the normal case
(13:49:49) cron2: dazo: yes, because you did not follow this process
(13:50:09) cron2: the "send to list and ACK" needs to come *after* review
(13:50:10) lev_ ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Quit: leaving).
(13:50:12) dazo: But in those hours, I've started doing something else ... and 
those Acked-by mails are forgotten
(13:50:26) cron2: not "look at patch, review something else, ACK another 
something else and expect me to sort this out"
(13:50:38) cron2: can we please get a secretary for dazo?
(13:51:18) dazo: if that's easier than to consider alternatives to our process, 
feel free
(13:51:18) plaisthos: I think this case was more of a misunderstand than 
anything else
(13:52:17) plaisthos: current patch != latest patch on the mailing list
(13:52:27) cron2: dazo: well, you ACKed something, in public, that was not what 
you reviewed.  This is problematic.  So the order needs to be different - 
review, then send to list, then ACK - and if people send often enough (which is 
expected from core devs) sf.net is actually quite fast
(13:52:41) lev__ ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Killed (barjavel.freenode.net 
(Nickname regained by services))).
(13:52:41) cron2: I received a copy of the mail I just sent in about 90 seconds
(13:52:49) lev___ [~lev__@2a03:b0c0:2:d0::20a:7001] è entrato nella stanza.
(13:52:52) dazo: It *was* the same (I verified that) ... it just didn't apply 
to git master which was newer
(13:53:07) cron2: but you must review a branch that *is* based on current master
(13:53:08) plaisthos: I also got my tls-groups patch set after 10 minutes
(13:53:24) mattock: I need to split soon and we're 23 minutes overtime
(13:53:28) cron2: you can't review patches based on just about any random 
branch, because that will cause merge risks
(13:54:37) cron2: (well, you can, of course, for initial feedback, but for 
"send to list and ACK", this must be master)
(13:55:17) lev___ ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Changing host).
(13:55:17) lev___ [~lev__@openvpn/corp/lev] è entrato nella stanza.
(13:55:17) lev___ è ora conosciuto come lev__
(13:55:32) mattock: ok, so
(13:55:40) dazo: Which is why I suggested using an improved process using git 
merge from external git repos ... to help reducing the review and commit 
process efforts and make that more streamlined and simpler; at least when the 
source of the git repos are from trusted developers
(13:56:39) plaisthos: Well you can still the review on the external repo
(13:56:39) cron2: nothing wrong with that - when you're done with the review 
(*and* the patch set is based on master), send to list, send ACKs to list.  
We'll find a secretary to remind you to do the ACKing if the developer wonders 
where the ACK is.
(13:57:09) cron2: especially in the context here, the developer will know who 
did the review and poke the reviewer for the ACKs
(13:57:10) mattock: I need to split, but I hope you can agree to the two above 
comments :)
(13:57:13) mattock: three
(13:57:18) mattock: need to take $child out
(13:57:23) plaisthos: and if it is one of our core member I think you could 
trust them enough to send a version of that patchset to the mailing so you can 
ack that excat copy
(13:57:40) dazo: mattock: which 2 comments?
(13:58:26) plaisthos: BUt honestly it is mostly me and lev reviewing patches on 
the mailing list
(13:58:54) mattock: dazo: review in external branch is fine -> make sure 
external branch is rebased on "master" -> send to ml -> formal ACK -> merge
(13:58:56) cron2: right (and I'm happy about you two really getting stuff done)
(13:59:21) mattock: anyways, bb in half an hour if you guys are still debating 
this (I sure hope not)
(13:59:33) ***cron2 needs to eat, as $wife has music lesson in 15 minutes
(13:59:44) dazo: plaisthos: what I suggested initially was to do remote repo 
review, which was triggered based on a git pull-request cover mail (including 
patches) ... reviewer then replies to that cover-mail enlisting commit refs and 
an statement of ACKing those commits ... then committer just do a "git merge" 
from that remote repo, based on verifying the commit IDs matches
(14:01:21) dazo: If there would be remarks to the commits, needing improvements 
... that would happen on the patch mail directly as today
(14:07:03) plaisthos: I am sorry but I don't really the get problem you are 
(14:07:52) plaisthos: my process is:
(14:08:21) plaisthos: git checkout -b branch review/something -> click on email 
-> CMD+U to show shource -> CMD+A CMD+C -> git am -> CMD+V 
(14:08:27) plaisthos: that takes about 10s per patch
(14:08:51) plaisthos: and that is very small time compared to what actually 
reviewing the process takes
(14:09:38) lev__: or you can click on "mbox" button in patchwork and then "git 
am < xxx.patch" on downloaded file
(14:10:45) dazo: that works fine *when* the patch applies on top of the current 
public target branch
(14:11:07) plaisthos: if it doesn't, send email/private message and ask to 
(14:11:18) plaisthos: the patches need to be applied on master anyway
(14:11:49) dazo: and if it doesn't a new patch thread needs to be submitted ... 
in the mean time I've started doing something else, and next time I do the 
review git target branch may have moved again, and the circle is complete 
without having accomplished anything
(14:12:39) dazo: and since sf.net mailing list is quite slow ... that adds 
additional latencies, while a git push somewhere just eases the whole process 
and does not require re-sending patches to the ML
(14:13:11) dazo: (when the rebasing is just a rebase against master - not 
modifying patches, that is)
(14:13:32) plaisthos: dazo: but what is the alternative?
(14:14:15) plaisthos: if the patch does not apply to master, do you want to 
review an  old version that gets then updated to work on master and then review 
it again?
(14:14:28) lev__: I personally don't see a problem here, I can count by fingers 
cases when patch doesn't appy on master, if it doesn't -> notify submitter and 
review another one
(14:15:17) plaisthos: and also git am --3way is often clever to get it applied 
to master anyway
(14:15:29) dazo: And you don't think our current process is contributing to 
(not being the main cause) patch review happen slower on the ML?
(14:15:55) plaisthos: dazo: I personally do not feel the burden of the process
(14:16:04) plaisthos: for me the main burden is the actual review
(14:16:37) plaisthos: and patches that are in the kind of okay not really zone 
where I am not sure if we want to pull them in or not
(14:18:22) dazo: And my burden is that when I set aside time for review ... 
many of the patches don't apply properly so I can't test it properly ... so I 
give that feedback, asking for rebased patches and go working on something else 
in the mean time.  Sometimes it takes a considerable amount of time before the 
updated patches hits the ML, and then I might be deep into something else 
resulting in the patch review getting even more delayed
(14:18:49) plaisthos: that is a symptom currently
(14:19:03) plaisthos: we wait so long for patches to review them that they 
don't apply anymore
(14:19:20) plaisthos: quicker turnaround time on patch review would fix that 
(14:19:32) dazo: So how do we fix that?
(14:19:52) dazo: We have a long enough backlog on the ML already
(14:22:32) plaisthos: spend more time on patches and go through the annoying 
process of rebasing ourselves while we get rid of the backlog
(14:23:18) plaisthos: yes having the prs in github would allow you to see it 
easier if they need to be rebased or not 
(14:23:48) dazo: So ... basically set aside 100% time for 3-4 days where we all 
have a virtual hackathon or something like that?  Because if we don't really 
isolate ourselves for doing that, nothing will happen
(14:25:22) dazo: Doesn't need to be 3-4 days in the same week ... but I think 
it needs to be more than just "we'll meet on IRC" ... because that really 
hasn't worked well for the "friday mini-hackathons"
(14:27:03) dazo: On the other hand, if there are too long time in between ... 
git branches may move forward in between
(14:28:38) plaisthos: dazo: the list of patches is actually not that bad. 
(14:30:12) dazo: Tbh ... I've lost overview, my openvpn-devel inbox is filled 
with larger patch-sets, some needing review, some acked and applied
(14:30:47) plaisthos: dazo: use patchwork.openpvn.net as overview
(14:33:31) cron2: we're at 105 patches, of which the oldest 50 are in the "do 
we really want that? someone needs to make a decision (feature-ack/nak) and 
then restart them" zone
(14:33:41) cron2: top 30 should apply to git master perfectly
(14:33:49) cron2: most of them touch unrelated files
(14:34:14) plaisthos: and a 1/3 of the patches have me or ordex as author
(14:34:29) plaisthos: more 1/2 of them actually
(14:34:33) cron2: since I got most of Simon's out of the way, yes :-)
(14:35:38) cron2: which reminds me to actually set #1035 to accepted.  Done.
(14:36:21) plaisthos: I don't do that normally because I like to have them show 
up in the overview until they are actually commited
(14:36:54) cron2: it is
(14:36:59) cron2: just
(14:37:03) plaisthos: ah then, nothing to see here
(14:37:05) plaisthos: move on
(14:37:33) cron2: my workflow is "merge, test (if relevant, like 'windows 
building'), send to list, wait for that to show up, then close patchwork"
(14:37:49) cron2: and push in between "send to list" and "close patchwork"
(14:40:53) plaisthos: I only set accepted on old patches that I know have been 
merged but somehow didn't update because of old version etc
(14:41:12) mattock: back
(14:41:35) plaisthos: legs
(14:41:49) cron2: sf.net on the "merged!" mail turnaround time was 12 seconds
(14:42:46) plaisthos: I also have two new acks for you :P
(14:42:54) cron2: working on whg already
(14:47:07) cron2: oh, the mbedtls patch
(14:47:08) cron2: nice
(14:47:26) cron2: (I can review network and os related stuff, but these crypto 
api intricacies really escape me)
(14:50:07) plaisthos: that one was actually easy
(14:50:17) cron2: plaisthos: is this relevant for 2.4?  it seems to be
(14:50:21) plaisthos: yes it is 
(14:50:54) plaisthos: not sure if it applies
(14:50:59) cron2: let me ssee
(14:52:17) plaisthos: now let's reimplement generating tls-crypt v2 keys for 
AS, yay
(14:53:15) cron2: it needs a bit massaging becaues the context has ekm in master
(14:56:25) mattock: I will summarize this somehow soon
(14:57:38) cron2: that is easy
(14:57:51) cron2: "dazo is full of exciting ideas, and cron is the stubborn old 
man, as usual, blocking all progress"
(14:58:27) dazo: :-D
(14:58:28) cron2: mattock: your windows buildbot explodes in 2.4
(14:58:48) cron2: Buildslave for this Build: slave-builder
(14:58:51) cron2: BUILD FAILED: failed shell_3 shell_7 shell_8 shell_9
(14:59:05) cron2: FATAL: Cannot download 
(15:01:13) plaisthos: yeah
(15:01:18) plaisthos: the old versions are no longer supported
(15:02:18) plaisthos: I can send a patch to fix that
(15:03:10) cron2: not sure what is feeding this buildslave, "naked 
openvpn-build" or "some local config"
(15:03:13) cron2: mattock: ?
(15:05:50) mattock: yeah, it very well might
(15:05:54) mattock: explode
(15:05:59) plaisthos: hmpf
(15:06:08) plaisthos: shell => how to get from 1.1.1e to 1.1.1
(15:06:09) mattock: I don't think it was never intended to work on anything 
besides Git master
(15:07:18) mattock: I can check if fixing that would be trivial, but I doubt it
(15:07:19) cron2: please make it work on 2.4 :-) - we want to know that 2.4 is 
good on master, before trying a release and then noticing at "build official 
installers" time
(15:10:22) plaisthos: cron2: 
(15:10:23) vpnHelper: Title: Fetch OpenSSL versions via source/old links · 
schwabe/openvpn@5fa752b · GitHub (at github.com)
(15:10:43) plaisthos: If this fixes travis, I wills send a patch to the ml
(15:11:05) cron2: I did not notice travis, I only noted buildbot
(15:11:22) plaisthos: how does buildbot build?
(15:11:34) cron2: mattock knows :)
(15:11:40) cron2: where can I see if travis died?
(15:11:40) plaisthos: what script does it execute
(15:12:14) plaisthos: https://travis-ci.org/github/OpenVPN/openvpn
(15:12:15) vpnHelper: Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with 
Confidence (at travis-ci.org)
(15:12:20) plaisthos: I am getting mails when it fails
(15:12:37) cron2: I get mails for master, but not 2.4, it seems
(15:12:51) plaisthos: anyway. I am fixing travis :P
(15:13:37) cron2: do we want to fix by pulling openssl from old locations, or 
do we want to fix by upgrading openssl?
(15:13:57) plaisthos: cron2: that would mean dropping all builds but openssl 
(15:14:28) cron2: mmmh, ok.  2.4 is supposed to stay compatible
(15:14:55) plaisthos: yes
(15:15:13) plaisthos: and we still distros that patch/support older openssl 
(15:15:21) plaisthos: so I would like to still build test them
(15:15:43) plaisthos: and I wrote OPENVPN_VERSION isntead OPENSSL_VERSION in my 
(15:15:44) plaisthos: damn
(15:15:54) cron2: oopsie

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