
OK, working my way through - with a bit of "fun" ... 😊. When I add route to the 
OpenVPN configuration file (without the other settings I believe), I lose my 
local LAN completely. Is that expected?

So then, OpenVPN off, trying to set up iptables .. but I get the following. 
iptables v1.6.0: unknown option "--state"

I'm guessing this is replaced in more recent versions, but not having any luck 
finding the new flag.


... Russell

-----Original Message-----
From: Morris, Russell 
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2017 9:55 PM
To: 'openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net' <openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: RE: [Openvpn-users] Intermittent Connectivity

First of all, thanks for taking the time to provide the detailed information 
below - it's very much appreciated! I will try to set it up this way, let you 
know what I find. But I do agree, I think this is a better way to go.

BTW, do you want me to try to take some logs, or not really that big of a 
curiosity / issue? Just let me know, I can if it helps at all.

And also, thanks for the book recommendation - buying it tonight ... 😊.

Thanks again,
... Russell

-----Original Message-----
From: David Sommerseth [mailto:open...@sf.lists.topphemmelig.net]
Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Morris, Russell <rmor...@rkmorris.us>
Subject: Re: [Openvpn-users] Intermittent Connectivity

On 07/07/17 16:36, Morris, Russell wrote:
>> Thoughts? Things to try?
> This looks like a typical wacky connection between client and server.
> And using --proto tcp with wacky connections, things tends to get ugly 
> quickly. And especially when sending TCP packets inside the tunnel.
> That results in a lot of "resend this packet" requests both on the 
> inside and outside of the tunnel. So try switching to --proto udp.
> [R. Morris] Actually, is it really TCP? Asking because the other 
> connection I tested is TCP also, just TUN instead of TAP ... and it's 
> rock solid. I don't really have the option to use UDP, a bit 
> handcuffed there ... :-(.
Okay, that is a more tricky issue.  It is really hard to say without seeing 
some logs (--verb 4).  There might be packet replays, it might be packet loss, 
it might be packet latency, really hard to guess without logs.

> [R. Morris] Intrigued ... :-). TUN would be fine, if I could get to 
> the machines on the subnet ... but can I really? I need to run RDP, 
> VNC, SSH, etc. How is routing handled with TUN? Again, I'm interested 
> to try this, but I thought to be "on" the subnet, and access all the 
> machines (by name) I needed to use TAP.
What you basically need to do is:

 - Allocate the VPN on a separate subnet (our examples often use

 - VPN server need to push (or add directly route in client config)


   If your LAN is (, you need:


 - Enable IP forwarding on the VPN server. On Linux this is typically
   done with:  sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

 - Allow traffic passing between the LAN and the TUN adapter in the
   firewall.  For Linux servers, that's easily handled by:

        # iptables -I FORWARD -i tun+ -o eth+ \
                 -m conntrack --state NEW -j ACCEPT
        # iptables -I FORWARD -m conntrack --state ESTALISHED,RELATED \
                 -j ACCEPT

    This allows traffic initiated from the VPN (any adapters named
    tun-something) to access network resources on any Ethernet
    interfaces named eth-something.  (+ is a wildcard)

 - The default gateway in the LAN needs to route the
   via the VPN server.  If the VPN server is running on your default
   gateway this is already correctly set up.

      a) LAN GW + VPN server on same box:

             {internet}-[FW]---[LAN GW/VPN]---{LAN}

      b) VPN server is on the LAN

             {internet}-[FW]----[LAN GW]----{LAN}

         If the VPN server IP is, the LAN GW needs this
         route:   ip route add via

      c) VPN server is in a DMZ

             {internet}-[FW]----[LAN GW]----{LAN}
                          \-{VPN-SERVER in DMZ}

         If the VPN server IP is, the FW(!) needs this
         route:  ip route add via

  - To use DNS hostnames for the hosts on LAN, you need to add
    this to your server config:

         push "dhcp-option DNS $IP_OF_INTERNAL_DNS"

    For VPN connections started by the Windows GUI, Tunnelblick (macOS)
    and NetworkManager (on Linux), iOS and Android, the DNS stuff on the
    client side happens automatically.  If starting OpenVPN from the
    command line, it needs some local tweaks.  For Linux,
    /etc/resolv.conf needs to get updated.

Now I know that sounds like a lot of details compared to bridging.  But this is 
actually the path of least resistance when things go bad.

And for further details, I recommend looking into the "OpenVPN 2 Cookbook" by 
Jan Just Keijser, and probably also the "Mastering OpenVPN 2" by Eric Crist and 
Jan Just Keijser (have only skimmed through that book myself so far).

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

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