Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation

2017-08-30 Thread Gregory Sloop


On 29/08/17 22:06, Gregory Sloop wrote:
Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation So a few observations and 
possible clues/issues:

I should probably do another test, though I'm worn out from all the hassle of 
the last go-round. [But I think I kept all the "test" certs I used, so testing 
should be easier...]

But I think your cert shows:

  X509v3 extensions:
   X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
   X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
   TLS Web Server Authentication
   X509v3 Key Usage: critical
   Digital Signature, Key Encipherment

and while I don't have the > text from openssl, I do have it from certtool, and 
it shows:

Key Purpose (not critical):
   TLS WWW Server.

[Critical vs not critical]

I don't know what difference that makes in the cert/key - but that's the only 
difference I see. [And, IIRC, that cert/key that's "TLS WWW Server" but non 
critical *fails* when I try to use the OpenVPN directive "remote-cert-tls 
server." But the EasyRSA generated one, like yours works fine.]

I haven't been able to determine how to make the extension/constraints 
"critical" in CertTool, so I can't test if that's the problem/issue.

Any insight you can shed here would be fab. [Or anyone else, for that matter.]
my cert shows the exact same output as yours:

Basic Constraints (critical):
Certificate Authority (CA): FALSE
Key Purpose (not critical):
TLS WWW Server.
Key Usage (critical):
Digital signature.
Key encipherment.
Subject Key Identifier (not critical):
Authority Key Identifier (not critical):

as the "Key Purpose" is not critical; I've just tested this certificate on a 
server, connected a client to it with 'remote-cert-tls server' enabled and it 
works just fine.
BTW: This was using OpenVPN 2.4.3 on the server, 2.4.0 on the client.
What happens if you use your cert and connect a client with "verb 5" set?  you 
should see log messages similar to VERIFY KU OK and VERIFY EKU OK.



Thanks for the follow-up. 
Let me do some testing, and I'll get back to you. [I hope I kept all the old I don't have to generate those again.]
It might be a few days - but I'll try to clear time to do it.


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Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation

2017-08-30 Thread Jan Just Keijser


On 29/08/17 22:06, Gregory Sloop wrote:

Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation So a few observations and 
possible clues/issues:

I should probably do another test, though I'm worn out from all the hassle of the last go-round. [But I think I kept all the 
"test" certs I used, so testing should be easier...]

But I think your cert shows:

  X509v3 extensions:
   X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
   X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
   TLS Web Server Authentication
   X509v3 Key Usage: critical
   Digital Signature, Key Encipherment

and while I don't have the > text from openssl, I do have it from certtool, and 
it shows:

*Key Purpose (not critical):
   TLS WWW Server.

*[Critical vs not critical]

I don't know what difference that makes in the cert/key - but that's the only difference I see. [And, IIRC, that cert/key 
that's "TLS WWW Server" but non critical *fails* when I try to use the OpenVPN directive "remote-cert-tls server." But the 
EasyRSA generated one, like yours works fine.]

I haven't been able to determine how to make the extension/constraints "critical" in CertTool, so I can't test if that's the 

Any insight you can shed here would be fab. [Or anyone else, for that matter.]

my cert shows the exact same output as yours:

Basic Constraints (critical):
Certificate Authority (CA): FALSE
Key Purpose (not critical):
TLS WWW Server.
Key Usage (critical):
Digital signature.
Key encipherment.
Subject Key Identifier (not critical):
Authority Key Identifier (not critical):

as the "Key Purpose" is not critical; I've just tested this certificate on a server, connected a client to it with 
'remote-cert-tls server' enabled and it works just fine.

BTW: This was using OpenVPN 2.4.3 on the server, 2.4.0 on the client.
What happens if you use your cert and connect a client with "verb 5" set?  you should see log messages similar to VERIFY KU OK 



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Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation

2017-08-29 Thread debbie10t


snippety-snipped ;)

On 29/08/17 21:06, Gregory Sloop wrote:
> Any insight you can shed here would be fab. [Or anyone else, for that 

> Re: verify-x509-name
> [Or use the "-name-prefix" option in --verify-x509-name

technically, that is "name-prefix"

The example in the manual shows how "Server- name-prefix" works for 
servers named Server-1 and Server-2 etc.  The dash is currently mis- 

but there is a patch awaiting approval on the dev ML.


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Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation

2017-08-29 Thread Gregory Sloop
So a few observations and possible clues/issues:

I should probably do another test, though I'm worn out from all the hassle of 
the last go-round. [But I think I kept all the "test" certs I used, so testing 
should be easier...]

But I think your cert shows:

   X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
TLS Web Server Authentication
X509v3 Key Usage: critical
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment

and while I don't have the > text from openssl, I do have it from certtool, and 
it shows:

Key Purpose (not critical):
TLS WWW Server.

[Critical vs not critical]

I don't know what difference that makes in the cert/key - but that's the only 
difference I see. [And, IIRC, that cert/key that's "TLS WWW Server" but non 
critical *fails* when I try to use the OpenVPN directive "remote-cert-tls 
server." But the EasyRSA generated one, like yours works fine.]

I haven't been able to determine how to make the extension/constraints 
"critical" in CertTool, so I can't test if that's the problem/issue.

Any insight you can shed here would be fab. [Or anyone else, for that matter.]

Re: verify-x509-name

Yeah, I understand the difference. [Specific DN vs "Server" extension cert/key]
But you don't have to match on the exact DN. You just have to make sure the DN 
is "unique enough" that no client cert could have that partial DN, and use 
something like: 

--verify-x509-name name 

That should match, or etc. [I was pretty sure I tested this.]

[I think it will also match, though I've 
not actually tried that kind of a match. Essentially, I believe, it will match 
anything as long as it ends in (I should note, I 
could certainly be wrong - but that's how I remember it.)]

So, that helps get around the "multiple" servers issue.

[Or use the "-name-prefix" option in --verify-x509-name; though this gets more 
complicated, IMO.]

But I'd prefer to have the ability to match on either:
--remote-cert-tls server or --verify-x509-name - which I don't believe I can do 
with the certtool certs.

My solution was simply to find a way "around" the problem since I couldn't find 
any way through it. I'm willing and able to spend some time to flesh out a way 
through if someone has some concrete ideas and thoughts. [Something better than 
- "Hell, why not just try X? It _might_ work!?"]

I'm pretty much done using EasyRSA - IMO, it's badly supported, does really odd 
things [or makes odd choices] can't be used for a number of other things easily 
and I don't know a lot of what's going on under the hood so-to-speak. 

For an example of a problem in EasyRSA: For years now, EasyRSA uses "-new" 
instead of "genpkey" - which defaults to generating an encrypted key with 3DES, 
rather than something that is viable for use in the modern age. [AES128/256+] 
So, to get keys that are reasonably protected, you have to use the option to 
"change" the passphrase after you generate the cert/key pair, and that's a 
stupid extra step. And this isn't the only goofy thing that's wrong with 
EasyRSA. The current version is simply broken. I reported the problem a long 
time ago, and it's not fixed [to my knowledge], and there's been no maintenance 
release to fix the problem - or even a real response. It's not a earth-shaking 
horrible problem that's super-difficult to fix, but we shouldn't be continuing 
to offer software that's totally broken. (You can't do ANYTHING in Windows 
without the "fix.")

CertTool is pretty clear what's going on, is pretty easy to use [with a few 
rudimentary batch files] and I can use it for generating certs for things like 
rsyslog TLS certs - where EasyRSA's certs bomb. [It's kind of like the choice; 
Use iOS, use Android, or compile AOSP yourself. Using EasyRSA is like iOS, 
except unlike iOS, it's horribly broken besides. CertTool is like Android. And 
OpenSSL is like compiling AOSP yourself. ]

So, I'd really like to get CertTool to work with "--remote-cert-tls". It's 
multi-platform - and one could hack together some pretty simple scripts to do 
what's needed. IMO, more viable than EasyRSA.

you're protecting yourself from different things here:

- "remote-cert-tls server" prevents someone from using a client certificate to 
pose as a server certificate
- "verify-x509-name" ensures that openvpn checks the server name against the 
certificate name

with the first option, you are not required to have a valid FQDN for your 
server; the second option is more strict because it allows clients to connect 
*only* to servers identifying themselves as the FQDN you specify - this tends 
to not scale very well if you have multiple connection blocks or "remote" 
entries in your client config files.


I've tried certtool as well and 

Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation

2017-08-29 Thread Jan Just Keijser


On 11/08/17 01:02, Gregory Sloop wrote:
Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation *SK> On 09-08-17 
19:34, Gregory Sloop wrote:

>> I also often need to generate certs for other things and GNU TLS's
>> CertTool works pretty well.
>> I'd like to use one tool to generate all the certificates I generally
>> need - it's just easier to keep track of, document etc.

>> However when I go to generate certs for OpenVPN usage with certtool, it
>> appears I have a problem with the "server" attribute.

>> While I have the following in the certs...
>> ---
>>Basic Constraints (critical):
>>Certificate Authority (CA): FALSE
>>Subject Alternative Name (not critical):
>>DNSname: abc-ovpn-server-01
>>Key Purpose (not critical):
>>TLS WWW Server.
>>Key Usage (critical):
>>Key encipherment.
>>Subject Key Identifier (not critical):
>>Authority Key Identifier (not critical):
>> ---
>> doesn't appear to be identified as a "server" certificate. [At
>> least in pfsense.]

SK> I have no clue about how to use certtool, but I'll give this a shot.

SK> Do you know what certtool means with "Key purpose"?  Is that it's own
SK> invented name for extendedKeyUsage ?

SK> Also, what are you using to check that this is a "server" certificate?
SK> --remote-cert-tls? or --ns-cert-type?  or something homegrown?

SK> In any case, this certificate seems to miss the digitalSignature
SK> keyUsage, which is required if you want to use TLS cipher suites with
SK> forward secrecy (DH/ECDH).  Modern OpenVPN by default only support
SK> cipher suites by forward secrecy.  So although this has nothing to do
SK> with "server" attributes, it is likely to cause the connection to 

*So, follow-up - mostly answering my own questions. [After a boat-load 
of tinkering and testing...]

I've successfully used CertTool from the GNUTLS project to create the 
CA, Server and Client certs - and also a CRL.
[GNUTLS's CertTool is a CLI tool available under *nix and Windows. My 
work was all on the Windows platform, using the most current version, 
which at the time this was written was 3.5.8]

What I haven't managed to do, successfully, yet is to use the OpenVPN 
client side directive: "remote-cert-tls server"

This really isn't a problem, however. I'll explain that in a moment.

I've not been able to determine what extended certificate attribute 
fixes this, despite some significant checking. The benefit of 
"remote-cert-tls server" is so that someone couldn't use another 
"client" certificate on a MITM server and trick you into connecting to 
it, instead of the "real" server.

But there are other ways to ensure the same result that don't rely on 
the "server" extended attribute. Follow along and I'll show you one 
way that works fine for me.

The docs:
suggest using "tls-remote" which has been *deprecated.* and bombs in 
recent OpenVPN clients. [Someone ought to update that!]

However, there's a replacement:
--verify-x509-name your-servers-certificate-cn-name-here name
You can also use the whole subject name, if that makes you feel 
better, or several other options. [See the docs and google for more...]

That option subsequently allows me to not worry about finding the 
exact proper yet elusive extended-attribute in my certificates - while 
still allowing for strong verification that I'm connecting to exactly 
the server I intend.

[If you have several servers, there are other options too, for name 
matching that will likely help. But this way is far more than adequate 
for the 99.9% of us running small OpenVPN servers of our own. If 
you're larger, I'm sure you have the resources to figure it out. If 
you do, I'd be glad to hear the solution to make CertTool generate the 
proper "server" certificate.]

you're protecting yourself from different things here:

- "remote-cert-tls server" prevents someone from using a client 
certificate to pose as a server certificate
- "verify-x509-name" ensures that openvpn checks the server name against 
the certificate name

with the first option, you are not required to have a valid FQDN for 
your server; the second option is more strict because it allows clients 
to connect *only* to servers identifying themselves as the FQDN you 

Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation

2017-08-10 Thread Gregory Sloop
SK> On 09-08-17 19:34, Gregory Sloop wrote:
>> I also often need to generate certs for other things and GNU TLS's
>> CertTool works pretty well.
>> I'd like to use one tool to generate all the certificates I generally
>> need - it's just easier to keep track of, document etc.

>> However when I go to generate certs for OpenVPN usage with certtool, it
>> appears I have a problem with the "server" attribute.

>> While I have the following in the certs...
>> ---
>>Basic Constraints (critical):
>>Certificate Authority (CA): FALSE
>>Subject Alternative Name (not critical):
>>DNSname: abc-ovpn-server-01
>>Key Purpose (not critical):
>>TLS WWW Server.
>>Key Usage (critical):
>>Key encipherment.
>>Subject Key Identifier (not critical):
>>Authority Key Identifier (not critical):
>> ---
>> doesn't appear to be identified as a "server" certificate. [At
>> least in pfsense.]

SK> I have no clue about how to use certtool, but I'll give this a shot.

SK> Do you know what certtool means with "Key purpose"?  Is that it's own
SK> invented name for extendedKeyUsage ?

SK> Also, what are you using to check that this is a "server" certificate?
SK> --remote-cert-tls? or --ns-cert-type?  or something homegrown?

SK> In any case, this certificate seems to miss the digitalSignature
SK> keyUsage, which is required if you want to use TLS cipher suites with
SK> forward secrecy (DH/ECDH).  Modern OpenVPN by default only support
SK> cipher suites by forward secrecy.  So although this has nothing to do
SK> with "server" attributes, it is likely to cause the connection to fail.

So, follow-up - mostly answering my own questions. [After a boat-load of 
tinkering and testing...]

I've successfully used CertTool from the GNUTLS project to create the CA, 
Server and Client certs - and also a CRL.
[GNUTLS's CertTool is a CLI tool available under *nix and Windows. My work was 
all on the Windows platform, using the most current version, which at the time 
this was written was 3.5.8]

What I haven't managed to do, successfully, yet is to use the OpenVPN client 
side directive: "remote-cert-tls server"
This really isn't a problem, however. I'll explain that in a moment.

I've not been able to determine what extended certificate attribute fixes this, 
despite some significant checking. The benefit of "remote-cert-tls server" is 
so that someone couldn't use another "client" certificate on a MITM server and 
trick you into connecting to it, instead of the "real" server.

But there are other ways to ensure the same result that don't rely on the 
"server" extended attribute. Follow along and I'll show you one way that works 
fine for me.

The docs: 
suggest using "tls-remote" which has been *deprecated.* and bombs in recent 
OpenVPN clients. [Someone ought to update that!]

However, there's a replacement:
--verify-x509-name your-servers-certificate-cn-name-here name
You can also use the whole subject name, if that makes you feel better, or 
several other options. [See the docs and google for more...]

That option subsequently allows me to not worry about finding the exact proper 
yet elusive extended-attribute in my certificates - while still allowing for 
strong verification that I'm connecting to exactly the server I intend. 

[If you have several servers, there are other options too, for name matching 
that will likely help. But this way is far more than adequate for the 99.9% of 
us running small OpenVPN servers of our own. If you're larger, I'm sure you 
have the resources to figure it out. If you do, I'd be glad to hear the 
solution to make CertTool generate the proper "server" certificate.]

What's interesting is: pfSense doesn't think the certificates generated by the 
*EasyRSA* tool are server certs either. [It's possible that pfSense is mistaken 
- I just found it amusing.] 

I also don't recall actually trying them [the EasyRSA certs], even with that 
warning, using "remote-cert-tls server". When pfSense complained about even the 
EasyRSA cert not being "server" certs when I added them, I simply gave up. [I 
didn't really want to use EasyRSA anyway. I was just testing a bunch of 
different things trying to get the same attributes on CertTool generated certs 
as EasyRSA does - but without avail.]

So, just to document, should anyone else stumble across this - here's the steps 
to duplicate my work using CertTool.  This is, IMO, better than using EasyRSA 
and *far* less confusing and daunting than OpenSSL's CLI tools. [Holy cow, the 
OpenSSL tools are more like learning latin or worse - you might get by 
cut/pasting someone else's work, but you won't likely have a clue what you're 

Re: [Openvpn-users] Server vs Client cert generation

2017-08-09 Thread Steffan Karger

On 09-08-17 19:34, Gregory Sloop wrote:
> I also often need to generate certs for other things and GNU TLS's
> CertTool works pretty well.
> I'd like to use one tool to generate all the certificates I generally
> need - it's just easier to keep track of, document etc.
> However when I go to generate certs for OpenVPN usage with certtool, it
> appears I have a problem with the "server" attribute.
> While I have the following in the certs...
> ---
>Basic Constraints (critical):
>Certificate Authority (CA): FALSE
>Subject Alternative Name (not critical):
>DNSname: abc-ovpn-server-01
>Key Purpose (not critical):
>TLS WWW Server.
>Key Usage (critical):
>Key encipherment.
>Subject Key Identifier (not critical):
>Authority Key Identifier (not critical):
> ---
> doesn't appear to be identified as a "server" certificate. [At
> least in pfsense.]

I have no clue about how to use certtool, but I'll give this a shot.

Do you know what certtool means with "Key purpose"?  Is that it's own
invented name for extendedKeyUsage ?

Also, what are you using to check that this is a "server" certificate?
--remote-cert-tls? or --ns-cert-type?  or something homegrown?

In any case, this certificate seems to miss the digitalSignature
keyUsage, which is required if you want to use TLS cipher suites with
forward secrecy (DH/ECDH).  Modern OpenVPN by default only support
cipher suites by forward secrecy.  So although this has nothing to do
with "server" attributes, it is likely to cause the connection to fail.

As always, post logs and configs if you want better answers.


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