I make an ioctl call with  SIOCGIWPRIV and it fails.
I have included : #include<linux/wireless.h>
The pcap code makes the same call to the driver in enter_rfmon_mode_wext()
defined in pcap-linux.c for sniffing.
The compat-wireless-2011-08-10 driver has the header file in
My ioctl call to the driver FAILS  !
Also, if this is defined in the compat folder, I am sure this should work
with ath9k driver...else it won't be defined in wireless.h ?

I can't find how pcap is using the same call to the driver and able to
ioctl call with SIOCGIWPRIV parameter works i guess with pcap.

The ioctl call with SIOCIWFIRSTPRIV also fails.
Can someone please suggest what I should be doing to make this call work ?

My goal is to read the radiotap headers and the rest of the headers using
raw sockets.
I am not familiar with netlink interface and can see pcap can read the
information without using it, hence I am interested in using ioctl calls.

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