CeroWrt is a platform for experimenting with solutions to the problem,
"Daddy, why is the Internet slow today?" CeroWrt has implemented the new
CoDel ("Controlling Delay") algorithm for fair queueing and reducing the
amount of data buffered by the router. From the Overview page at

CeroWrt is a project built on the OpenWrt firmware to resolve the endemic
problems of bufferbloat in home networking today, and to push forward the
state of the art of edge networks and routers. Projects include proper IPv6
support, tighter integration with DNSSEC, and most importantly, reducing
bufferbloat in both the wired and wireless components of the stack.

With CoDel (pronounced "coddle"), we're seeing good responsiveness of small
packet traffic through the CeroWrt routers even when doing heavy file
transfers. So you don't hose your gaming/VoIP traffic if somebody else
uploads or downloads files.

Dave Täht has done the lion's share of the work to get this going, and has
been actively pushing the changes back into the OpenWrt trunk so that
others can benefit from these changes. You can read more at:

Bufferbloat Overview: http://www.bufferbloat.net/
CeroWrt Wiki: http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/cerowrt/wiki
CoDel article: http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2209336

Best regards,

Rich Brown
Hanover, NH USA
openwrt-devel mailing list

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