> there is one known issue on Unix like systems which may lead to
> the
> case where a file system without file entries may report no
> available
> space. I do not know if this is the reason for your trouble, but
> it
> it's better to tell about, as this is not known to all Unix users.
> On Unix like systems it is possible to create (or open a file) and
> remove the directory entry (unlink) while holding the file still
> open.
> As long as you do not close all references to the same file
> descriptor
> the file continues to exist and claims space on the file system.
> Nobody
> else can see this file or reclaim the space. Only the process who
> holds
> the file open (or processes if forked and file descriptor
> inherited)
> can reclaim the space of such an file. As soon as all references of
> the
> file are closed (may be due to exiting/killing the holding process)
> the
> used space is reclaimed and everything is back fine.
> Some years ago I had trouble on a RAM file system which got full
> during
> usage, but every time I tried to look into this, there was enough
> free
> space. The reason for this: Opening the telnet session closed the
> process holding the open file. After a long time of debugging a

uh! a real heisenbug.

> misbehaved file rotating was localized for the bug. The process
> rotated the file names but forgot to close the original file and
> more
> data got appended to the old (invisible) file, while the testing
> loop
> checked the new (empty) file for it's size to trigger next file
> rotation ... a trigger which never occurred while the new file
> stayed
> empty as all new data still got appended to the old file ... until
> file
> system space exhausted :(
> In case this helps to narrow down your trouble.
> Harald

thank you very much for telling the story behind it.

bye, bastian
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