Do we really have to "CONFIG_PROC_STRIPPED=y" by default?
I wrote an prometheus-node-exporter and right now a collectd plugin, to get ipv6 interface statistics.
For that I use "/proc/net/snmp6" and "/proc/net/dev_snmp6/...".
The above flag disables those two statistics.

I'm very interested in the IPv6 stats we will have then we introduce IPv6 in our community wireless network. Currently, we build our firmware based on the pre-compiled image builder and that is why I would be happy if we could change that. Otherwise, I just build my own imagebuilder for a single node... ;)

Or, is there even a better way to get those IPv6 stats? I looked into the netstat code, and I think it uses she snmp6 interface, too (not sure anymore).

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