  I have kept a modified mac80211.ko, ath9k.ko file in /lib/modules/temp/ .
I am using Backfire [Openwrt] for development.
And I want to use these while I run some of my userland code (which
automates the task of unloading old modules and inserting the new ones) .
It seems that for first time, when I do :
rm mac80211
rm ath9k
insmod /lib/modules/temp/mac80211.ko
insmod /lib/modules/temp/ath9k.ko

Everything is fine but when I redo opkg install <my package> in Openwrt 2

the ath9k, mac80211 kernel modules  start showing [permanent] in the lsmod
output and hence cannot be unloaded.
lsmod output :
ath9k                  87776  0 [permanent]
ath9k_common            1216  1 ath9k
ath9k_hw              338448  2 ath9k,ath9k_common
ath                    14224  3 ath9k,ath9k_common,ath9k_hw
mac80211              230400  1 ath9k,[permanent]

Can someone please tell me what goes wrong ?

I am unable to uninstall the modified module( I think its modified one) as
it becomes permanent.
I don't see modprobe showing the path of the currently running module in
Openwrt, is there some other way to find the path ?

-Abhinav Narain
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