
I would like to give everyone a short recap of the Cross Community CI/CD and 
Infra workshop that was held on March 24-25 2018 in LA prior to ONS.

30+ participants from 8 different communities/organizations attended to the 
workshop. [1][2]

  *   OPNFV
  *   OpenStack
  *   OpenDaylight
  *   fd.io
  *   CNCF
  *   ONAP
  *   Ansible
  *   LF

Some of the the participants of the workshop develop, operate, and maintain the 
CI/CD and Infra used by the corresponding communities such as

  *   OPNFV Infra/XCI
  *   CNCF Cross Cloud CI
  *   OpenStack Infra/Zuul/OpenLab
  *   LF Releng/Infra

The workshop was a success.

We had 2 full days of intensive and fruitful conversations around different 
topics such as use cases, concerns, constraints, vocabulary, integrating CIs, 
security, testing, tooling, developer feedback and many other related things in 
CI/CD and Infra area.

The conclusion of the workshop is to continue pushing things together by start 
working on several key/initial themes in a collaborative manner and 
invite/involve everyone/communities who is interested in CI/CD and Infra to 
join to this initiative.

I would like to invite and urge OPNFV Community to take part in this because we 
as community faced many of the similar challenges since the very early days of 
We can tell our story, share our experiences, learn from others and 
collaboratively address the issues in CI/CD and Infra open source ecosystem 

Please keep an eye on OpenCI Website, https://openci.io, where we will be 
publishing the outcome of the workshop and making announcements.
You can also take a look at the Wiki and start collaborating using the tools we 
have listed there. [3]
There is also an IRC channel #openci on Freenode. Please join to that as well.

Next OpenCI workshops will be held during OpenDev 2018 which is colocated with 
OpenStack Summit Vancouver on May 22-23. I hope and I wish you can join us 
there. [4]

Finally, I would like to thank members of the OPNFV and 7 other communities who 
took part in this workshop.

As I said many times before, what we have now is just the beginning and we are 
on our way to change things.

[3] https://gitlab.openci.io/openci/community/wikis/home
[4] http://2018.opendevconf.com/


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