Attendees: Bryan Sullivan, Chris Price, Larry Lamers, Margaret Chiosi,
Michael Bugenhagen, Prakash Ramchandran, Shamail Tahir, Stuart Mackie,
Tapio Tallgren, Uli Kleber, Min Yu


   Meeting Minutes/Agenda Approval: Approved

   Talk through MANO WG overlap w/ Polestar on VNF onboarding

      Bryan shared the MANO WG’s VNF onboarding table
      <> and noted that
      the table was created to promote cross project collaboration and
      around the VNF onboarding conceptual phases and activities.

      A discussion was had regarding the potential overlap between what the
      MANO WG and the Polestar WG are working on. The attendees seemed
      to agree that it would be helpful for the Polestar WG to provide the
      technical community with architectural thinking and strategic guidance
      around OPNFV goals, initiatives, and technical framework at the

      It was noted that the MANO WG is focused only on one particular
      component of the reference platform and on working with projects on
      detailed implementation. It was suggested that the Polestar WG should
      perform the top-down qualitative consulting function of
identifying what’s
      important for OPNFV to focus on in the open source space and for the

   User Story Selection Workflow

      Shamail shared OpenStack’s User Story Flow
      <> to
      demonstrate the workflow used by the OpenStack Product WG for selecting
      user stories. A discussion was had if this could be adopted for use by
      OPNFV. A concern was raised that the OpenStack user story
workflow is more
      suited for a specific platform/projects and may not encompass the complex
      cross-platform/project nature of OPNFV. A question was asked how
to resolve
      conflicting proposed user stories and by which organizational body within
      OPNFV. A suggestion was made that Polestar should analyze
conflicting user
      stories and take them back to EUAG for resolution. The group generally
      agreed that this workflow could be adapted as a collaborative guide for
      relationships between EUAG, SPC, and WGs.

      A discussion was then had regarding which group is responsible for
      which function on the workflow diagram. The general consensus is that
      Polestar should be responsible for the Proposed User Story and User Story
      Tracker functions and project teams should be responsible for the
      Implementation function. The group also discussed who should perform the
      Gap and Overlap Analysis function and noted that OPNFV and
OpenStack differ
      on blueprints and specs. It was generally agreed that, although the
      workflow suits a more matured organization like OpenStack, it can be
      modified for use by OPNFV. Bryan, Chris, and Prakash took the action item
      of revising the workflow diagram for further discussion at the
F2F meeting
      at the ODL Summit.

   The group decided to cancel the meeting on September 22.

Min Yu
Client Services Coordinator
The Linux Foundation
+1(530) 902-6464 (m)
Skype: minyudecorah
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