
Following-up from the TSC discussion today.  I created a wiki page to
gather proposed topics for the Plugfest at

If you're planning to be at the Plugfest and want to propose a session,
please add it to the table on the wiki page.  We created several "tracks"
such as infra, testing, project team hacking, etc.  Feel free to place your
session under "other/wild card" if you don't think the topic fits under
other tracks.

As I mentioned in the TSC call, I added a column for "session type" (e.g.
presentation, office hour, hacking, etc.).  For the "office hour", we're
envisioning a session mostly devoted to Q&A's after a short presentation
from project team members.  I started discussions with installer teams and
the Dovetail team on doing office hour type sessions.   Also, there's been
a feedback to reduce the number of presentation sessions, so please keep
that in mind.

Finally, we probably have room for 1-2 additional volunteers in the
programming committee (e.g. it'd be nice to have someone from the infra
side of things), so if you'd like to volunteer, please let me know.



On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 10:53 PM, Raymond Paik <>

> All:
> After a hiatus last week due to ONS, we will be resuming the Plugfest
> planning call on Monday and you can find meeting logistics at
> (note that
> we're using #opnfv-testperf channel for IRC).
> Also, if you have not registered yet please go to https://events.
> opnfv-plugfest-attend-hotel-travel/
> You will also find hotel information on this page (under "Attend" and
> right below registration).  Several people recommended that Antibes is a
> better place to stay as you have more restaurants/bars in town.
> Thanks,
> Ray
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