
I'd like to announce new minor releases of Pax Web: 8.0.23 and 9.0.12.

Current runtime versions are:

   - Jetty 9.4.53.v20231009 (8.0.x) and 10.0.17 (9.0.x)
   - Tomcat 9.0.82
   - Undertow 2.2.28.Final

These are important fixes related to recent CVE-2023-44487: HTTP/2 Rapid
Reset Attack <https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-44487>.

There's also a minor QoL improvements/fixes:

   - OSGi security (ServletContextHelper.handleSecurity()) - user was not
   visible in access log (thanks François de Parscau!)
   - Keycloak 19+ (up to 22) integration was not complete
   - Additional Tomcat valves (from context.xml) were removed on restart
   (thanks Stephan Siano!)
   - ServletContext.getServletContextName() returned wrong value for WABs
   (thanks Amichai Rothman!)

For completeness, the changelogs are available for 8.0.23[1] and 9.0.12[2].

kind regards
Grzegorz Grzybek
[1]: https://github.com/ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.web/milestone/252?closed=1
[2]: https://github.com/ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.web/milestone/253?closed=1

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