Re: [OPSAWG] [Gen-art] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-bgp-community-06

2018-04-15 Thread Joel M. Halpern
randy, noting that the IETF has trouble with the geo-tagging of its 
addresses does not seem to have ANYTHING to do with demonstrating how 
widely used the geo-communities are.

If you want to make that case, make it.  But don't bring up red herrings.

As you note, it is up to the WG, not to me, what to ask for regarding 
this draft.  And it is up to the ADs to judge whether this is a good 
thing to standardize.


On 4/15/18 6:53 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

Thus, again, you are not making a case for why the existing techniques
which are easier to implement and deploy are not sufficie3nt for the

correct.  i, and a couple of other ops, are making the case that
communities are fairly widely used for tagging geo loc at varying
granularities.  you are not required to agree.

and you can argue the rest with someone else.

OPSAWG mailing list

Re: [OPSAWG] [Gen-art] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-bgp-community-06

2018-04-15 Thread Randy Bush
> Thus, again, you are not making a case for why the existing techniques
> which are easier to implement and deploy are not sufficie3nt for the
> problem.

correct.  i, and a couple of other ops, are making the case that
communities are fairly widely used for tagging geo loc at varying
granularities.  you are not required to agree.

and you can argue the rest with someone else.

OPSAWG mailing list

Re: [OPSAWG] [Gen-art] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-bgp-community-06

2018-04-15 Thread Joel M. Halpern

Randy, I did suggest that one would update the offline data.
My point was that the draft claims taht extreme timliness is needed. 
For IP block geolocation, timeliness on the order of a day (much shorter 
than the several days before the IETF when the IETF block gets turned on 

Thus, again, you are not making a case for why the existing techniques 
which are easier to implement and deploy are not sufficie3nt for the 


On 4/15/18 6:28 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

I fone has geo-information, it is unlikely to change.

i guess you have never noticed when you are at ietf praha and your phone
says you are in seoul or whatever.  it takes non-trivial ops pain to get
ietf attendees geoloc to work; and sometimes we can't.

when you find yourself in a hole, first thing is to stop digging.

Gen-art mailing list

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