Got a bit more on what they were doing.
One really gets "scared" when Oracle wants to know what you're doing.
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg  Subject: RE: Oracle 9i and streaming technology

Actually streams is a hybrid of several Oracle technologies: Log miner (used to hot mine the redo logs for data that is to be streamed), Advanced Queuing (a set of functionality for messaging and transferring/transforming data among multiple databases/applications) and replication.  You’ll find several whitepapers on it on the site and/or Technet. 


It is really neat how it works and cuts out a lot of overhead that was involved in materialized views and/or advanced replication.  However, it is very new and you’re right there isn’t a lot of info out on it and tuning issues and the like are yet to mature, even the support analysts we were working with were interested in what we were doing but didn’t have a lot of info themselves to help us with.





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