Title: RE: Cardinality of indexed columns... how to discover? What is the ma

> From: Jonathan Lewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> The answer to the question you asked is to
> check the dba_indexes view for columns
> distinct_keys and num_rows.

Jeeez, guess I hadn't looked hard enough. Thx...

> It is not sensible to change a b-tree index into
> a bitmap index simply because it has a relatively
> small number of distinct values.  (Even if you
> have seen an article in Oracle Magazine that
> might suggest otherwise).

Heh. And in other places...

> Bitmap indexes tend to degrade catastrophically
> as the underlying table suffers inserts and deletes
> or gets updates to the indexed column.  And the
> probability of contention and deadlock on concurrent
> inserts/updates/deletes is very high.

Good point. This data is mixed tp/dss, so I'll need to make sure that's taken into account.

> Before going much further down your current path,
> you might like to read a couple of articles I've
> written about bitmap indexes at
>   www.dbazine.com

Thank you very much.

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