Title: PL/SQL proc calls to a remote DB via DB link
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I can't find a place where I defined a variable using a remote package but I seem to remember doing the same type of thing using remote tables and it works fine.
Your syntax for calling the remote procedure is off just a bit.  Try userR.procR@dblinkR(...)

Kevin Kennedy
First Point Energy Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin, Alan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 11:51 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: PL/SQL proc calls to a remote DB via DB link


You have 2 DBs, "L" local, "R" remote. >From within a PL/SQL package or procedure on the *local* DB, is it legal to:
declare a local variable using a *remote* type:

MyVar_L   userR.pkgR.typeR@dblinkR;

or call a *remote* procedure:


If it is legal to reference remote pkg/procs, is my syntax correct?
If it is not, how do I accomplish this without having someone login to the remote DB?

Alan Martin
Principal Consultant
Defense Logistics Information Service
Battle Creek, MI

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