Title: RE: How to deal with needing function based indexes but stuck with St

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Grabowy, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Oracle Standard Edition 8.0.5
> How are people handling storing data, such as a name, in the
> database, and
> then being able to successfully retrieve it?  It's possible
> that the same
> name can be stored twice, such as Scott and SCOTT.  Normally,
> I believe that
> developers would use an upper function based index on the
> left side of the
> WHERE equation and a UPPER function on the right side to
> resolve queries.
> But since this project is running Standard Edition that
> doesn't seem to
> address this problem.
> So I was curious as to what other DBAs/developers/projects are doing??

If you have a column that will be used in a search, you could
a) Put a trigger on the column to force it to uppercase or lowercase before the column is inserted or updated;
b) If the column needs to be stored exactly as it is entered (sometimes uppercase, sometimes lowercase) you could create a trigger that creates an uppercase or lowercase version of the column in a separate column, and put the index on the separate column.

c) You could investigate the context cartridge and see if that would help your situation. (Is that available with the standard edition?)

I'm sure other/better ideas will be forthcoming from the list.

Jacques R. Kilchoer
(949) 754-8816
Quest Software, Inc.
8001 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, California 92618

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