We are a two node install of Oracle Apps 11i all on NT.  The question though is really with the reports server and the web server being on separate nodes.  We are an apps 11i two node install.
From the apps, we are able to submit a business intelligence report to the report server.  However, the browser never returns.  Continually tries to open a page forever.  Oracle's current thought is that since the web server and report server are on different nodes, the browser could not access it.  Therefore, changed the mapping for the apps "cache" to point to the database server and run apache as a user.  If enter the URL directly of where the report is in the database server's file system cache, can now view it.  However, the apps still hangs.  If try to access the report from the "showjobs" screen, it hangs as well.  Almost like web server asking the report server for the report but never gets a response?? 
This has been going on for a few weeks now and getting no where.  Any help greatly appreciated.
Jeffrey Beckstrom
Database Administrator
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
1240 W. 6th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
(216) 781-4204

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