Hi all

sorry for my long absence (combo of work and family commitments) - then
again, I am sure you haven't missed me!

Anyway, with regard to the articles:

>From: "Alan W Stephenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [OGD] Conservation

Alan S - well done with broadcasting those decisions in Aus about the Mt Rae
and Jandakot decisions.

>From: various
>Subject: Re: [OGD] Catasetums? /upward growing roots
>... to draw attention to the same trait in Ansellia (Africa) some Cymbidium
mainland Asia) and Grammatophyllum (Pacific Asian)...

The trait is also known in some unrelated groups, including some of the
dendrobium species in eastern Australia (D. rex - syn. D. speciosum var.
hillii - among others), and I have also seen it in Oncidium species in my
collection. There is obviously some advantage to the habit for it to have
appeared several times in distantly related groups - I would assume lying in
the combination of poor nutrient levels and relatively high humidity in the
epiphytic habit and the need to capture other sources of nutrients in the
form of litter fall.

Cheers, Greg

See some of my orchid photos at Panoramio:

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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