Dear Orchid Addicts...

The answer HAS to be an unequivocal YES!  Paul J Johnson states
that..."A parasite is a living organism that takes nutrients from
another living organism and generally permits the host to survive, often
through multiple generations of the parasite." Well.... look what they
(the seductive, enigmatic, mysterious, mesmerizing Orchids) have
accomplished. They have convinced homo sapiens to rescue them from their
plight of near-extinction, feed them, care for them, and even propagate
them. By Paul's definition, they are. They take nutrients from us, their
hosts, and, yes, they allow us to survive, allbeitly, much the poorer
after we acquire them and design, build and maintain their artificial
habitats. And due to our industriousness, we manage to see several
generations of our youngsters by the time our fascination wears thin.
Known as one of the most complex of the plant kingdom, I'd say,
parasites or not, they have done pretty well for themselves.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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