"Peter, I don't know what it is about you Poms but you seem to think you have some destiny to police and correct the rest of the world. Your fellow traveler, O'Byrne displays the same characteristics. You don't own this forum and if Kenneth wishes to change the nature of the discussions I am sure he will. Meanwhile mind your own business!


Andy Easton"



Andy ,  Thank you for your email.   My "fellow traveller, [Peter] O'Byrne" . I take it as a great compliment to be associated with Mr. O'Byrne, in the sense that he has written one of the best books on PNG lowland orchids.

(Get yours at Orchidaceous Books, Australia, at a very reasonable price).


Of course you did not mean it but thank you anyway.


Peter Fowler, Alton, UK

Birthplace of William Curtis.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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