K. Barrett writes:
So, no input on whether Laelias root before bloom or after bloom?

Just today I was looking at new roots on a young (not big enough to bloom yet) Laelia tenebrosa (if its still considered a Laelia, and not a Cattleya), appearing as the new growth is about 1/3 mature. And new roots on a Laelia speciosa with a very young growth. Seems like all the Mexican Laelias, which according to some are the only true Laelias, root on the new growths, long before the flowers appear. Laelia sincorana and L. jongheana (which might be Sophronitis at this point) on the other hand seem to root after bloom, at least for me.
Don't take the lack of response personally. My experience has been that sometimes you have to ask a question twice before you get any response.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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