Leo Writes:
"C!, C2, C3, or C4 - stomata that open or close - what the heck?, Does any
of this mean anything about how we actually go about growing these things?
I feel like you guys are arguing about the number of Angels dancing on the
head of a pin.  Does any of this mean anything, or is it simply esoteric

Stomata in plants are generally opened and closed in response to environmental conditions (most often light), and they are the main avenue for gas exchange, transpiration and evaporative cooling in plants. So, how much air circulation plants require, how much water they need, when they would appreciate the highest carbon dioxide concentrations, how prone they are to heat damage, and other things are affected by when the stomata are open or closed and the specific metabolic pathways they use. Plant behavior is also interesting in and of itself (at least to me!), and makes sense of what otherwise might seem like arbitrary cultural rules.

Thanks, by the way, to all those who replied to my original question about stomata.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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