      I have bloomed 25 or so malipoense. All were the species. All were
divisions of what may have been collected material purchased here and there
in the US. (I have never done any importing myself).  I have had color vary
from vivid lime green, to deep dark green, to pale green, to gray green, to
yellow green. Your description of yellow green flowers does sound like it
is the normal species, just a less than common colored form of it.  If the
features of the staminode, column and form of the flower and the foliage
conform to the type descriptions for malipoense, then you have the real
deal and not likely a hybrid.  The problem with judges is that they are not
taxonomists, and will often make taxonomic decisions without knowledge of
what is normal range of traits for a population.  I was surprised by the
variations I have seen.  Email photos to a taxonomic authority like Drs.
Guido Braem or Eric Christenson and see if they concur. Malipoense is a
well known concept, a couple of good photos, face, side, foliage and
staminode should suffice to verify an identity.  Then show it again the
next time it blooms with a copy of the note from your authority.
Good luck
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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