>>Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 10:06:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: nancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Sandy -
I've lost a number of plants to squirrels myself; I do not know whether
keiki paste can save them or not, but I can send you my recipe for 'Squirrel
Sauce Picquant'
- I've started to permit my son to target them with my BB rifle. Incredibly
and maddeningly destructive - for some reason, encyclia and certain laelia
p'bulbs are very attractive to them.
Also, potting in round clay pellets (they look like Cocoa Puffs cereal) is a
mistake I will not make again!
Good luck - Nancy<<

This may be a way to keep squirrels of your bulbs, it is a good idea in
another way.
Squirrels, being mammals cannot stand the taste of capsaicin, the sharp
taste in red peppers. This effect is used in keeping birdseeds mouse-free.
Add a little capsaicin and the mice stay off it. Birds do not mind the
Now It might help to spray any squirrel-receptive plant with a mixture of
water and Tabasco-sauce, to an extend that you feel the burning once you tip
the plant with your tongue. 
Another tip? I know of a man who had some trouble with both birds and
mammals in his garden and bought a large latex snake (some petshops sell
these..)This he placed in a spot where it could easyly be seen by any
passing animal. It helped a lot, he told me, untill a pair of wrens started
to make a nest just below the fakesnake. They viewed through the trick
probably. Now the wrens wern't harmfull to the fruits, but after a while
other birds got the message from them. 
Just some idea's..

Peter Mudde

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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