I have known Tennis for some time.....Sorry....I cannot believe anyone could 
come up with such stuff to degrade the AOS...I cannot condone it...What is he 
talking about?  The AOS has done marvels for the American 
Orchidist..period..the thought that they should go away to suit him or his ilk 
is odious..Sorry Tennis..thought better of you...where are we going with this?  
It is OUR publication..WE make it work..As I have said before..make your views 
known and ELECT the appropriate people..you do not vote and you end up with an 
endless war..like Iraq..Same thing...No one should complain if they did not do 
their share to make things better..FURTHER..there is always tomorrow..I sent in 
my response..and guess why that missive came to my mailbox..cuz you folks 
complained..and THEY want to make you happy..if you are not..they suffer..that 
is the way the world works folks..does anyone disagree???  I have lots of mail 
agreeing with me..and why not...A NEW MAGAZINE...get serious..what a dumb 
thought..dumb dumb dumb...and after all this..all these messages I have 
sent...I sure as the devil (language cleaned up) I am not the person to be 
putting myself in the limelight..witness all the years I have sat back on this 
magazine and said nothing about other things...(Bulbophyllums and Stanhopeas 
will get a response every time)  and so will the AOS...and JUDGING..watch out 
all you who dump on THAT system..As a judge who waited until I was perfectly 
satisfied that I could do something worthwhile for that program..I take GREAT 
exception to those who poo poo a great part of the orchid world..who the devil 
do you think you are???????  Enough for someone who would prefer to see better 
things on this organ..William Hubert Bergstrom...(shows my attitude..doesnt it?)
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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