Dear "Members for a Better AOS" (shall I call you MemBA for short ?), in OGD
V6 #333 you complained that "Mr.Izquierdo mistakenly stated
widely distributed a letter ...", then said "We at ....".

Perhaps this mistake has occurred because you are trying to be invisible,
hiding behind acronyms.  This sort of cowardice certainly comes in useful
when you want to make threats, eg ..."We expect Mr. Izquierdo to be more
cautious in the future before making any statements regarding Members for a
Better AOS". Oh yeah ? What are you going to do about it ? Get Mr Izquierdo
behind the bicycle shed and hit him with your Members ?

So who are you ? Are you really Mr Members, or are you Aos Member's organ ?
Are we supposed to know (by some kind of divine inspiration) that Mamba is
also A.O.S. Morgan ?

Maybe if you used your real name each time, there would be a lot less

Peter O'Byrne
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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