Dear Ogd's
 I am doing research with Cirrhopetalum and have a question for you all.
Cirrhopetalum abbreviatum  Rchb.f 1881 is said by Seidenfadden in Notes 
on Cirrhopetalum 1973 to not be related to Bulbophyllum abbreviatum 
Schlechter 1924 and cites "If Schlechter's plant from Madagascar proves 
to be a species another name will be required."
Kew and W3Tropicos has Bulbophyllum abbreviatum [Rchb.f]  Schlechter 
1924 as a valid species and Bulbophyllum abbreviatum Rchb.f 1881 as a 
synonym. How is this possible, as Rchb f. wrote it up 42 some years 
earlier as both Bulbophyllum and Cirrhopetalum, that it becomes a 
basionym of
Bulbophyllum abbreviatum [Rchb.f] Schlechter 1924? Where was the 
original Cirrhopetalum abbreviatum that Seidenfadden refers to from? 
Madagascar? Elsewhere?
Any help would be appreciated. The Plant and flower in question are 
visible at under Cirrhopetalum 
abbreviatum and is a photo atributed to Garay.
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Jay Pfahl
Internet Orchid Speceis Photo Encyclopedia

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