On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Alex Barber <alexbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I fired this off to Nick, but I thought the group might want to review this
> in case any of their material is on here as well.
> This group/page needs to get shut down on FB:
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/origamikids/

If you join the group, and then attempt to complain, the owner just
deletes your complaint and bans you from the group.  Friendly, eh?
Then he launches into a diatribe about how what he's doing is not
illegal - he's not hosting any of the stuff, he just googled it - and
he's not interested in a discussion of ethics.

> I've noticed copyrighted material on here of late, included pdfs. Of entire
> books.

The actual website seems to exist to be a clearinghouse for stuff
hosted elsewhere (and surely makes the guy some money via ads and
such.)  A good many of them are just links to diagrams hosted
elsewhere as parts of other peoples' sites, or YouTube video
instructions.  (The legality of which, if it's not done by the
designer of the piece, is up in the air.  There are decent arguments
on both sides as to whether video re-diagramming a design is legal or
not.  At the very least, it seems highly disrespectful to the

About the best thing I can see to do is to find where actual pirated
stuff is being hosted, and if it's at a site where they listen to DMCA
takedown notices, complain.  Most sites require that you are either
the owner of the material in question, or authorized to act on the
owner's behalf.

So, the call to action is: if you're an origami creator (or you have
permission to represent one in DMCA notices) then take a look at the
list here:


(scroll down for the section titled "Origami | How to Make")

If you see your stuff listed, follow the links to find where it's
hosted, and complain!  Mediafire, in particular, is extremely prompt
about removing stuff.

If you need help writing the DMCA notice, let me know privately.

Support your friendly origami artists, don't download pirated stuff!


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