On 10aug16, Laura Rozenberg posted about "The Metropolitan Museum of Art
acquired in 2013 a collection of Japanese foldings dating back to 1697".

----- Thank you for posting this item, Laura! I'm behind in my reading, but
better late than never. I teach (1-2 times per year) a brief informal Intro
to Origami to local groups. I have long thirsted for more information about
the history of paper-folding. I know about the Senbazuru Orikata from 1797,
and always mention it as the oldest known origami instruction book. This
new information is very exciting and I will add it to my "spiel".
----- A question: in your message, you mention "a total of 128 models" and
"23 separate models". Can you clarify this? Were you distinguishing between
two different classes of models, perhaps?

..... from Chila /// -------------------------------------------------------
Chilagami - I think, therefore I fold; I fold, therefore I am
Folding for Fun in the Mojave Desert
Southern California, USA
Antelope Valley Origami on Facebook

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