
this toot is about oribokit, it is my first origami and robotics kit, directly 
derived from my artistic practice of exploration the relationships between 
origami nature and technology.

you can learn more here

https://matthewgardiner.com/oribokit <https://matthewgardiner.com/oribokit>

oribokit is my response to lockdown, cancelations and extended postponement of 
every active project and the sudden realisation that low-volume automated 
electronics assembly is a really cool thing.

The kit recreates a 2005 oribot (see 
<https://matthewgardiner.net/art/Oribotics_Laboratory>) using kraft paper and 
machine made washi, the kind usually used for shoji screens. The kraft paper 
folds up into the mechanism, which moves the washi petal. The paper sheets are 
all laser cut and perforated, making folding the project accurate and a lot of 
fun. Everything is hand fabricated in my studio, there are countless steps to 
design, test and fabricate each and every part. I use all methods at my 
disposal, everything from laser cutting, heat-shrinking, soldering, 3D 
printing, hand turning on my  beautiful 1960’s german watchmakers lathe, hand 
casting and a bit of hand finishing is involved. All you have to do is fold and 
assemble the parts. The controller comes ready to go programmed with a light 
sensitive sensor, so your oribotic blossoms become phototropic, reacting to 
light levels that you can set easily.

I am offering _free_ workshops to build the kit over several dates September. 
If this sounds interesting to you, and you are outside Australia (and your 
country still accepts parcels from Australia) then we need to get your kit in 
the post soon!

happy folding, Matthew

ps. I’ve tried to keep the kit cost as low as possible, but I understand that 
it has been a hard year for everyone, if you are really keen but simply cannot 
manage, please contact me off-list or message me via my facebook page 
https://www.facebook.com/oribotic <https://www.facebook.com/oribotic> and 
perhaps we can still find a way for you to join in the workshop. 

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