Simon asked yesterday to please help him identify some models and their
creators based on the pictures he attached.

I can only identify *Basket* (the yellow fold from Simon's pictures), which
is a model by Akiko Yamanashi, but the handle is usually folded
differently. I'm attaching a picture of a fold I had made of the model some
years ago.

The book *Origami You Can Use* edited by Rick Beech, includes diagrams for
this model, but it says that the creator is unknown. The diagrams in that
book indicates to fold the front and back corners inward. That's how you
and I folded the model *; )*

The diagrams are also in the following book by Akiko Yamanashi:

You can see the model in the bottom left corner of the cover. Akiko's
version, which would be the original version, indicates to fold those
corners outwards and then tuck the tip inside, adding a color change in the
front and back of the model.

I learned all this precisely by asking here, through the Origami Mailing
list, seven years ago. I have a copy of Beech's book and wanted to know if
the model was still unknown. Robin Macey answered back telling me all of
this *; )*



*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*

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