1) is a sonogram cube… what wiki says at

On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 12:06 PM gera...@neorigami.com <gera...@neorigami.com>

> *HI*
> Can you please help me with the name of the following models and
> respective creators? I plan to exhibit them starting this Friday, and I
> don't have the information [image: Emoji]!
> 1. https://photos.app.goo.gl/r5PBfhjqFWFq8ia87
> 2. https://photos.app.goo.gl/1BqiKwNSxXGYWDSo8
> 3. https://photos.app.goo.gl/9WSTLmUDndkVufmh9
> 4. https://photos.app.goo.gl/JtwK8bR2ecQcF6rP6
> 5. https://photos.app.goo.gl/yGPQ9ssiofAdpZ9NA
> You can answer through the list or directly to my email address, whatever
> you prefer. It's gerardo(a)neorigami.com
> Thank you very much in advance.
> --
> *Gerardo G.*
> gerardo(a)neorigami.com <http://www.neorigami.com>
> instagram.com/neorigamicom
> *Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
> *six private classes online* <https://www.neorigami.com>
> "(...) It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it takes your breath
> away and fills you with the true joy of *origami*. I experienced this in
> my lessons with Gerardo G. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Gerardo is
> (...)" *C. R.* *Read the full review*
> <https://www.neorigami.com/#h.q2mt4npahmc2>

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