There are two meetings each month, for people who want to do paperfolding,
in the Antelope Valley, Mojave Desert, California, USA.

The October HiDEF meeting, in Lancaster, is CANCELLED; I will not be able
to be there.

Tue, 07 Oct:  The next RUFF (Rosamond Upbeat Folding Fanatics) meeting will
be held on ---> Tuesday, 07 Oct, from 5-7pm, at the Rosamond Public Library.

For the October meeting I will be prepared to teach the following:
----- Cartoon Penguin. Design by Susumu Nakajima.
----- And as always, if someone else wants to teach something or has a
model they want to fold, bring your stuff! I can also teach other simple
and intermediate models as needed.

*********************   Last Month’s Meeting Report

The Meeting Reports can be found on my blog page, “Folding My Universe”, at:
No meeting report for Sep, yet. Maybe next week.
----- Information about the models can be found on my second blog page
(once I get it started), “Chila’s Origami Database”, at:
I’m currently working on getting this started, so no model reports yet.

----- If anyone wants more info or directions to the library, just reply to
my email address.

..... from Chila ----------------------------------------------------------
Chilagami - I think, therefore I fold; I fold, therefore I am
Folding for Fun in the Mojave Desert
Southern California, USA

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