
Now that we have more time to fold, I temporarily discounted the price of
my book, Origami All Kinds: Single Sheet and Modular Designs, by 25%. While
I do not have control over production costs and Amazon's share, I have
slashed my own royalty by nearly two thirds. The new price is a steal for a
110p, full color book. You can find on most Amazons worldwide.

Book details: http://origamee.net/book7/index.html
The flyer is on my homepage: http://origamee.net/

If you are interested in reviews, here are a couple of links:


Keep calm and fold on!


Origami home: http://www.origamee.net
Instagram: @origamee
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: mmukhopadhyay

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