Hi everyone.

So I've been sharing about the conference/workshop which is scheduled for
May 9, 11:00 - 1: 30 pm (New York) / 3:00 - 5:30 pm (London).

I intend to do a really good job. That's why I want to rehearse it all
before the big day. I want to know if some of you would be willing to help
me by attending my rehearsal, participating, and providing feedback at the
end. I especially want to reach out to the people that are interested in
the topic of the event but can't attend the 9th.

I would talk to you so we can decide a convenient day and time before the
event. It would only be with one, two, or three of you.

If you would like to help me, please answer through the mailing list or
send me a message to my email address: gerardo(a)neorigami.com

Thank you in advance : )


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