"I tried to find out who is the creator of that model through Google, but
Hi all
"Muslim prayer"  creator is Natividad Sánchez Ferrero. Published in
Papiroflexia Selecta of Vicente Palacios 1998 and English translation 2002
Origami from around the word of Vicente Palacios  pg.51. it is also an
action figure (pushing his knees and holding his foot makes his "prayers"). It
is created by Natividad Sánchez Ferrero (his creation of him is prior to
1937). She had a degree in Chemistry from the University of Salamanca
during the 1933-34 academic year. That in the summer of 1933 he was at the
Santander Summer University, Spain, together with José de Unamuno, one of
the young sons of the writer and origami Don Miguel Unamuno and, finally,
that he was in charge of the course at the Instituto Cervantes in
Madrid,Spain, giving classes of Physics and Chemistry. She was a nun and
being in the north of Morocco she created that figure.

"Cuando las manos están ocupadas, el corazón está en paz"
Akira Yoshizawa

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