> Where I live stores sell ordinary paper of something close to B1 size, that
> would be 707 X 100 cm, which is something like 27 4/5 X 39 2/5 in.
> I want to know if this paper size exists in the countries where each of you
> live, ok? Can you easily find ordinary paper with those dimensions where
> you live? And do they sell even bigger papers in those same stores?

I work for a company where we have big plotters. The plotters have 20lb
bond paper that comes in rolls up to 36 inches wide (about 91 cm) by 150
feet (a little over 45 meters). The supply people purchase them from
Staples, but I would imagine they would be available at other office
stores. The rolls can be fairly pricey ($35 a roll or more), though.

I know a store that, in the past, carried uncut sheets of bond paper -
usually in colors. Those sheets were probably for feet by five or six feet.
I never bought any, so I can't be sure. They have downsized their store
recently and no longer carry it.

There have been MANY times I have been tempted to use an old plot to fold
something, but since most of what gets plotted is proprietary, I am sure it
would be highly frowned upon.


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