Dear folding friends-

We are very excited as we are in full swing with preparation for a
spooktacularly wonderful Origami Heaven! The angel pass (Early bird) option
is only available until Oct 15. So please register asap. The angel pass is
an amazing value as it includes both the Saturday night banquet and tastes
of the world buffet luncheon on Sunday in honor of World Origami days as
well as any size t shirt.

Please also book your rooms at the hotel. They did sell out and the hotel
opened up few more rooms for us.

Once again, registration involves having an account on the OrigamiUSA
website. It doesn't need OrigamiUSA membership. If you have any trouble
with registration please feel free to contact us via or call us at 1-632-320-8380.

Look forward to seeing many of you at Origami Heaven.

best wishes

Long Island Folding Enthusiasts

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