Hi Folders!


Here is an origami challenge: Help make origami music more widespread! HOW:
Could you please press the red subscribe button on the origami music channel
linked at  <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-8dggmICWycKrWn2aYewQ/>


I created an origami music YouTube channel, but it is hard to find. I need
100 subscribers to change that. So please subscribe. Thank you! Merci! Mucho
gracias! Arigato! 


The YouTube channel will grow, grow and grow more, especially as I have
about 75 recordings that I plan to make into origami music videos. So,
PLEASE subscribe. It will be a HUGE help. I hope you enjoy the few videos
that I have posted so far. 


The channel project had a reawakening with a grant from the Maynard Cultural
Council for an installation based on a song about a green origami goldfish
that struggled with the fact that he was green, but learned to overcome his
difference. It is a permanent installation outside at the Mill office
building in Maynard, MA. Among the YouTube videos, is the artist talk from
the opening reception on August 26, 2018. As part on the installation, 100+
butterfly were folded and lacquered, so a special thanks to this community
for the 18 participants who contributed by folding copper butterflies at the
2018 OrigamiUSA Convention.




Lisa B. Corfman

Website:  <http://www.rockyartsunfolded.com/> www.RockyArtsUnfolded.com

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