I want to quote a phrase about the short lifes of most folds, from the
following article by Robert Lang, on a paper I'm working on

The thing is, I prefer to cite the original source. If you have the issue,
can you help me by answering the following questions?

1, In the magazine, is the article titled "Robert Lang on Wet Folding" or
how exactly is it titled? Please be precise.

2. If the original title is "Robert Lang on Wet Folding" does the author's
name appear somewhere else aside from the title?

3. How exactly does the author's name appear? For example, does it say
Robert J. Lang or simply Robert Lang, without the middle initial?

4. In which page does the article appear or between which pages?

5. If it's in more than one page, in which page does it say: "most folders
accept that origami is folded one minute, crumpled and tossed away the

Thank you in advance. If you prefer, you can send me your message directly
to my email address: gerardo(a)neorigami.com


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*

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