In September 2018 I attended a great OSME’7 in Oxford. As part of the package 
we got the proceedings as an e-book. Very recommendable, e-books are easier to 
read, to search, to annotate, to display for many (in folding sessions), and to 
bring with me when travelling, and the publishers do not use trees to produce 
the copies, and less energy to distribute. Win-win. Thus I seldom buy origami 
books only available as paper. Even if I have the paper version, if the 
e-version is available, I buy that if I want to use it again (Robert Lang must 
be happy - I have bought several of his books twice :-) ).

However, I have some troubles using the Tarquin reader.

A) I have repeatedly to log on to the reader again, with empty username and 
password fields every time.

B) I cannot select and copy text? I am using an iPad with the newest iOS. 

C) For the same reason, I cannot lookup words in a built-in dictionary?

D) It is a different reader than what my other 1500 e-books are in (Kindle).
(This is of course an issue whenever the provider and the reader are not 
independent. Kindle is just a many times larger platform than Tarquin).

E) Somehow, the first volume is not available. 
I am trying to contact Tarquin to sort this out, but the subscription system 
seems fragile, in particular when paired with (A) above.

Does anybody else have similar problems, or more importantly, solutions for 

Yes, I still have many paper books, in fact still more than e-books. And most 
of them have one advantage: they can be folded. Either as book sculptures, or 
cutting out pages and folding them. For Xmas I did the latter with a book of 
old map reproductions, folding the 14-pointed water bomb stars. Adding a silver 
thread and a bit of glitter they became gorgeous Xmas ornament gifts.

Best regards,

Hans Dybkjær

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