Hello folks,

Just as I mailed the invitation to Peter Engel’s conference, here is the other 
email that I didn’t send to this list last week. Enjoy! Register! Look forward 
to see you online! 


Many of you know Xiaoxian Huang. She’s been in the world of paperfolding for 
several years and she’s the author of many charming diagrams that appeared in 
origami magazines. She masters color change and I especially love her 2-D 
(almost) figures that appear in the folded sheet like coming from a shadow 

Besides creating new models, Xiaoxian —who is from China but now lives in 
Barcelona with her husband Joan Sallas — studied Atmospheric Sciences and loves 
doing research on the history of paperfolding in China. 

Because this is a subject that has received little attention in the West 
(mostly due to the difficulty with the language), I thought to ask Xiaoxian 
whether she would be willing to give a virtual lecture for the Third 
Anniversary of the Museo del Origami in Colonia, Uruguay. 

She gladly accepted and we started working to develop the best presentation 
possible. Xiaoxian had so much information! It was hard to decide what to use, 
but she’s been so easy to work with! She prepared a  Power Point which we ended 
using by converting it into an iMovie, where I, as her editor, was able to use, 
incorporating voice, music, subtitles, and even short videoclips that I’m sure 
will delight the audience. 

She will even teach us how to pronounce paperfolding in Chinese. The legend 
goes that when Lillian Oppenheimer had to choose a fancy name for paperfolding 
for a TV show in the 1950s, she chose “origami” (Japanese) because “zhe-zhi” 
was too hard to pronounce. Let’s see if we succeed! 

Xiaoxian is our magician, bringing these little videos from YouTube Chinese 
pages, and photos from libraries and famous museums in China. All about the 
many ways different Chinese groups and ethnicities have been folding paper for 

I’m sure this is going to be a memorable meeting and I heartedly invite you to 
register at Mixily:


The event (April 2) is a fundraiser for the Museum’s program “Fund for the 
Art”, which helps acquire origami art created by outstanding artists from 
different countries. 

And it will be two-folded! The first conference is Peter Engel's on March 26 (I 
sent an email about his presentation). Then on April 2 will be the turn of 
Xiaoxian Huang.

The cost of the whole event is $10.00 (for both lectures). If you cannot afford 
but you are interested in attending, please send me an email. 

The events will be recorded for those who register but cannot attend.

I hope we’ll have a good crowd! Peter Engel and Xiaoxian Huang have been 
working hard on their presentation. They deserve a large audience! 

Please register soon. I need the attendees number raise a bit more! :) Make 
yourself one of them! 

To buy your ticket, go to Mixily: 

Thank you very much for reaching down to the end of this long email. I look 
forward to seeing you at Xiaoxian’s talk! 

Laura Rozenberg
Museo del Origami
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

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