Another origami sighting in a TV serial online (courtesy of my husband):

Saikyou no Futari , TV Asahi , on Thursdays, from 16 July, 2015.
Episode 1, at --
the folded chopstick-wrapper bird is at about 21 minutes in.


PS 2 origami-bees upcoming at Princeton Public Library, Princeton NJ:
Thursday August 20 - 2-4 p.m. - Storytime room third floor
Tuesday August 25 - 2-4 p.m. - Conference room second floor

We'll be folding lots of the simple traditional origami booklet (1-sheet,
1-cut), to be strung as decorations for the library's big September
fundraiser. We'd also be delighted if you can teach/fold simple flower
models. Paper provided. All welcome!

email me,, if you are interested or need directions
or more information.

Karen Reeds, co-ringleader, Princeton Public Library Origami Group.
Affiliate of Origami USA,
We usually meet 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30-8pm, 3rd floor. Free!
We provide paper! All welcome! (Kids under 8, please bring a grown-up.)
Princeton Public Library info:  609.924.9529

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