Hi everyone. Yesterday I asked if there was a noticeable resolution
difference between two webcam resolutions. I actually made a mistake on the
resolutions, one of them is 640x480 and the other is 1280x720. Sorry, on
the webpage I checked out the data I only saw 720p, so I assumed it meant
720x480. And after I sent the message, someone explained to me that the
second number corresponds to the resolution and both numbers to the screen

*1.* This is the *640x480* one:

*2.* This is the *1280x720* one:

*3.* And I found a third option. An economical GoPro *alternative*:

To those who know a bit more about technology than me, I want to ask you,
which is the best option as a webcam for pointing to the desk and teach
origami? And which is the second best option and why?

I should also mention I don't want to use  smartphone as a webcam, that's
why I'm looking for an option between these three
*; )*

Thank you everyone in advance! If you prefer, you can reply in private to
my email address: gerardo(a)neorigami.com


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*

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